Comments on: 12 Amazing Home Remedies for Ear Mites in Cats Herbal Remedies for Over 200 illnesses Wed, 07 Jun 2023 03:23:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ted H Bruckner Sun, 14 Jul 2019 04:09:41 +0000 For a long time, i have used vinegar diluted down in purified water to about 3% on my eyes for parasite control / eradication. I learned about the percentage from the Bragg’s book on The Miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar which states its for cataract prevention and possibly it said for cure. Seeing how it worked for me and knowing how it works as like bleach today, i applied it into the cat’s ears twice and have seen that she is releeved. if you are close and love each other so he or she will cooperate. I recommend to start with hold the cat’s head down to prevent her shaking it before it seeps down then drop 1/2 dropper-ful in.

By: pp Sat, 29 Sep 2018 22:06:17 +0000 Besides what I wrote about hand sanitizer with its high percentage of alcohol content, peroxide, and vinegar, stinging burning the insides of ears, concentrated almond oil may smell nice, but I’ve found that even a dab of almond oil on unbroken skin can burn and cause redness and irritation: my suggestion is not to use it, even when heavily diluted with other substances.

By: pp Sat, 29 Sep 2018 21:58:59 +0000 Hand sanitizers should never be used deep in cat’s ears as they have a high percentage of alcohol, and from experience, will sting even hands where skin has a small break; and not even in the outer part of ears if any redness. Both alcohol and peroxide, and also vinegar will burn inside the ear where mites have been biting and burrowing. Apparently, even some Veterinary products for pet’s ears, both over the counter and prescription, also have alcohol or other substances which will sting or burn skin within cat’s ears, but at least is combined appropriately with other substances to treat and soothe the ears. People really need to have a Veterinary exam to make sure that there isn’t redness or open skin from ear infection before using products that will burn or make the situation worse, plus to get an appropriate antibiotic if needed.

By: Joy L. Dixon Tue, 21 Aug 2018 18:34:48 +0000 I agree about the hand sanitizer or even vinegar. Seems to me that these harsh ingredients would be painful. I use aloe from my plant or mineral oil and either works great while keeping my baby girl purring !

By: Mark d Mcsorley Wed, 27 Jun 2018 06:59:58 +0000 Get grade A Diamestic Earth. Non grade is toxic.

By: NotToMention Fri, 22 Jun 2018 13:58:15 +0000 also diatomaceous earth doesn’t work very well when it’s wet…

Aloe is toxic to cats as well…if your cat is suffering please go to the vet if you can afford it or find a different list

By: Deborah Clemente Thu, 21 Jun 2018 06:54:48 +0000 Anyone who would put hand sanitizer in their cats ears are extremely stupid and cruel. That can’t possibly be right.
