Comments on: 5 Weird Home Remedies for Scabies that Will Make You Better Herbal Remedies for Over 200 illnesses Mon, 06 Jun 2022 17:07:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kristen Mon, 06 Jun 2022 17:07:51 +0000 I have scabies right now and a lapse in my health insurance. I was able to get permethrin cream which helped but did not do it. I was with a scrub brush and sulfur soap and benzo shampoo which also helps but, they’re still here. I change my clothes twice a day, wear gloves, have my cell in a plastic bag and wash my pillowcases and sheets every day, I also sleep on a plastic mattress. We vacuum daily and wear socks… well, total body coverage all day and night. I don’t use the couch and don’t touch anything twice unless I have my gloves on or a towel in my hand. I got a hold of some ivermectin and took one tablet a day for 3 days and took bleach baths, dried with a hair drying and sprayed Clorox on anything that looked like a burrow hole several times a day. I also started juicing and drinking more water to improve my immune system. They seemed to go away but I got comfortable and went back to wearing normal clothes, sleeping in my bed (still changed the linens and my towels every day), dressed normally, ate normally, and went about business as usual and they came back after 2-3 days with a vengeance! Lesson? Just because you can’t see them or feel them doesn’t mean they’re not there. If you find something that is working do it for 2 months straight no matter what.
