(Last Updated On: June 12, 2022)

Mice are pesky little creatures that can be a real nuisance in your home. Not only do they contaminate your food, but they can also cause serious damage to your property. While you may be tempted to use harsh chemicals or mouse traps to get rid of them, there are several effective home remedies for mice that you can try. Keep reading to learn more!

Home Remedies For Mice

1. Ammonia

You can use ammonia as a home remedy for mice, which is a natural rat repellent. Because of its odor, this substance makes mice and rats shy away from tasty treats. Place several small plastic cups filled with ammonia strategically around your home, including the kitchen, bathroom, and basement. Another option is to make homemade traps out of lard or bacon fat. Although this method is messy, it is very effective, since it does not contain poison.

Ammonia mimics the smell of predator urine. Place it under the sink or in the pantry. Be sure to store it out of reach of children and pets. This homemade solution for mice will quickly eliminate the problem. Just make sure that it is not too corrosive. You can even use Tupperware to contain it, which will help prevent a mess. Once mice are gone, it is time to remove any other sources of mouse repellent.

Using ammonia to rid your home of mice can be effective, but you should know that the effectiveness of this solution depends on several factors, including the size and severity of the infestation, how much ammonia you use, and the type of ammonia you have on hand. However, it’s still important to remember that ammonia can be harmful to humans and pets and should only be used by professionals.

2. Peppermint oil

peppermint oil

To repel mice, try peppermint oil home remedies. To repel mice, soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and place them in areas where mice enter the house. You can also use wool balls. Note that mice must first be able to smell the peppermint oil before they are scared away by the smell. If they already have a comfortable habitat, peppermint oil will not work well. Therefore, you should refresh the cotton balls every few days.

Another method for avoiding mice is to plant peppermint plants around your house. These plants are easy to grow and do not attract mice. The smell of peppermint will keep mice away. Plant a few plants in strategic locations around your house. The plants will multiply quickly. You can also place peppermint on windowsills and under sinks. This solution will keep mice away for a long time. Just make sure that the plants do not get too tall because mice like to climb up them.

If you cannot get rid of mice permanently, use peppermint oil as a repellent. Mice are known to get into houses by making tiny holes and are often seen in kitchen appliances. Apply peppermint oil to these areas for an effective result. You may have to use a little bit more oil than the leaves because peppermint oil is much stronger than peppermint leaves. However, this home remedy is a cheap option.

3. Fabric softener sheets

Fabric softener sheets can be used as a repellent for mice. Placed in several places in your home, you will be surprised how many mice will stay away. These sheets are available at stores and can be rubbed around corners, kitchen baseboards, and pantry crevices. You can also place them under your furniture. You can also place them in cupboards and closets, where mice usually congregate.

While dryer sheets may work to keep mice from entering your home, you should only use them if you want to get rid of a mouse infestation quickly. Although these sheets are a great temporary solution, they won’t work long term. Mice are incredibly adaptable and will become accustomed to the smell after a few days. Even though mice aren’t able to withstand the strong smell of fabric softener sheets, they will still be repelled by other home remedies.

4. Onion


If you’re plagued with mice, one of the best ways to get rid of them is to use natural repellents such as onions. They have a pungent smell that mice don’t like and can be placed at the point where they enter or exit your home. Another useful natural repellent is garlic. Mice are also deterred by the smell of garlic, so place some crushed garlic cloves near their entry or exit points. Or, you can make a garlic spray with a chopped garlic bulb.

Onions are an excellent repellent for mice, as their pungent smell is very unpleasant for them. You can also mix dried POP with cocoa powder and place it in mouse holes. This is a natural way to get rid of mice and rats, but you should remember to make sure that your pets don’t get into it. However, if you want to use more natural repellents, you can mix them with a few drops of essential oil.

5. Plaster of Paris

Plaster of Paris

Among the various ways to get rid of mice is using Plaster of Paris. This fine white powder is commonly used to make precast historical ornamental plasterwork. Mixing Plaster of Paris with cornmeal is an effective rodenticide. There are several options available to farmers to keep mice out of their fields. A few of these methods include placing a peppermint oil-dipped cotton ball in the area to drive the mice away. Another way to get rid of mice is by using plaster of Paris mixed with cocoa powder. While this is not a natural product, the cocoa powder attracts mice and suffocates them.

Aside from being effective at killing mice and rats, Plaster of Paris is also known to have many other uses. It works by filling small holes in the walls near rat nests. The substance is highly toxic for rodents, and they won’t be able to get adequate water or food. Plaster of Paris can also be sprinkled on floors near the nests, where the rats are likely to find food and water. While this is effective in killing mice and rats, it’s important to remember that Plaster of Paris is toxic for humans and can cause respiratory problems.

6. Cocoa powder

Cocoa powder

Recently, scientists published a study that suggested cocoa powder can help prevent obesity in mice. This is because cocoa contains compounds that prevent fat from being absorbed by the body. When fat cannot be absorbed, it passes through the body, which may have a similar effect on humans. This study, however, has not been conducted in humans, so further studies are needed to confirm these results. But it certainly doesn’t hurt to try!

A mixture of cocoa powder, flour, and salt works wonders for controlling mice. This substance attracts mice and kills them quickly. Its strong odor will also deter mice from coming back. However, you should be very careful not to expose small children or pets to this mixture. To make the paste even more effective, you can mix it with plaster of Paris. This method works because mice are attracted to the smell of cocoa powder.

Another way to get rid of mice is to use cocoa powder as bait in rat traps. It can work effectively for killing mice as it draws them to the bait. Unlike other poisons, cocoa powder will disguise the odor, attracting them to the bait. You can also use it as a homemade rat poison by mixing cocoa powder with baking soda or peanut butter. However, this is not advisable for pets and small children.

7. Steel wool pads

Steel wool pads

If you have trouble with mice, you can use steel wool pads as home remedies. There are two types available: medium and heavy-duty. Medium-grade steel wool is made to withstand the gnawing action of mice, while heavier-duty steel wool is designed to withstand the chewing of tougher rodents. Before using steel wool pads as home remedies for mice, check where they’re accessing the house.

As the temperatures drop and the food supply becomes scarce, mice will start looking for safe places to live and reproduce. To prevent this, inspect your home every fall and look for any holes that mice have chewed. Steel wool is a relatively inexpensive rodent repellent and works best if you have several areas that need steel wool. Once inside, the steel wool won’t do much. Alternatively, you can use mothballs as another rodent repellant.

If you can’t afford to pay a professional to get rid of mice, steel wool is one of the best options for controlling these creatures. Steel wool doesn’t break easily and can be stuck into cracks and holes and held in place with silicone. One more option is to encourage your cat to check for mice in the area. Place used kitty litter near areas where you suspect mice are entering. If cats aren’t around, place some used kitty litter near the entrances to your house.


Mice are a common problem in many homes. They can be pesky and destructive, as well as carry diseases. Fortunately, there are some home remedies that you can use to get rid of mice without using harsh chemicals or traps. 

Have you tried any of these home remedies for getting rid of mice? If not, give them a try and see how they work for you. Remember, it’s best to combine multiple methods to get the best results. And if you still have a mouse problem after trying these tips, call your local exterminator for help.

Annalise O'Conner is a Registered Dietitian and Personalized Nutritionist. She is a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching nutrition in the School of Public Health and APAN (Asian Pacific Islander American Network) Email: [email protected]

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