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(Last Updated On: June 2, 2022)

If you are planning to go hiking, skiing or mountaineering in high altitudes, you might be wondering how to cure altitude sickness. Here are some natural home remedies for altitude sickness you can try: Lemon and honey, Fennel seeds, and Chamomile tea. Read on to learn more. If you are concerned about altitude sickness, you can also take vitamin C supplements.

Home Remedies For Altitude Sickness

1. Lemon and honey

Besides the traditional remedies, you can also use lemon and honey as altitude sickness home remedies. Lemon is rich in antioxidants and can boost your immune system. Honey is also known for its antibacterial, stomach-soothing, and antiseptic properties. Mix lemon juice with honey in lukewarm water and drink slowly. If you suffer from altitude sickness, it is better to consult a doctor before you travel.

honey and lemon

The most important thing to remember when dealing with altitude is prevention. Even fit people can get altitude sickness. Therefore, you should train before going to a high-altitude place. Physically fit people have a better chance of fighting off altitude sickness. As you can imagine, people who are physically fit will have an upper hand over those who are not. However, you should not underestimate the importance of staying hydrated during travel.

Another home remedy for altitude sickness is ginger. Ginger is popular for its many health benefits. While chewing on raw ginger will help prevent nausea and vomiting, ground ginger can help with preventing altitude sickness. You can also mix ginger juice with a glass of water. Consume ginger juice before you start your ascent or midway if you begin to feel dizzy or nauseous. If you don’t feel sick, it’s still beneficial to drink lemon and honey.

2. Licorice

licorice root powder

If you want to cultivate licorice plants, consider propagating them by cutting. It is easy to do and will produce plants that look like the parent variety. Cut stems from the plant and wrap them in a moist towel, then store them in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, plant them in moist soil. Keep the plant moist until new leaves emerge. Licorice plants will require a high-altitude growing area, but will tolerate part shade and can live up to four years.

Another effective home remedy for altitude sickness is Licorice. This herb can calm the mucus membrane in the stomach, thus reducing any upset caused by a change in altitude. Licorice root can be made into a tea by adding a few grams of powder to a cup of boiling water. This tea should be diluted with water and drunk regularly. You can also drink peppermint tea for a similar effect.

Licorice root is also good for treating ulcers. A paste of the root can be taken in half a teaspoon each day. Taking the paste is also an option for people suffering from altitude sickness. Simply mix it with lukewarm water and drink slowly, as you might feel dizzy or nauseated. Alternatively, you can take it in decoction form. Just make sure you drink enough water as soon as you feel symptoms of altitude sickness.

3. Chamomile tea

chamomile tea

A home remedy for altitude sickness is a great way to avoid high-altitude sickness. Symptoms of this condition begin soon after a person has reached a higher elevation. Higher up, barometric pressure decreases and oxygen availability drops, making breathing difficult. In some cases, bottled oxygen is necessary. However, this is not the only way to treat high-altitude sickness. Chamomile tea is an excellent natural remedy that is easily available anywhere.

Garlic is another natural home remedy for altitude sickness. You can eat a few cloves of garlic daily to help combat the symptoms. One teaspoon of grated garlic mixed with a cup of water can help you to combat the symptoms of altitude sickness. Another way to ingest garlic is to make a soup from chopped cabbage and one clove of crushed garlic. You can add a few tablespoons of honey to help with the ailment. Drink a cup of this tea once or twice a day after arriving at your destination. You should not exercise or engage in any activity that requires excessive movement, as it makes it even more difficult to breathe.

A cup of chamomile tea can also aid in sleep. It can relieve the symptoms of altitude sickness by inducing sleep. The reason for the tranquilizing effect is that apigenin, which is a component of chamomile, binds to GABA receptors in the brain. Those with allergies should drink teas with caution. Chamomile is an excellent home remedy for altitude sickness.

4. Fennel seeds

When growing fennel, you will need to keep in mind the appropriate conditions, including the temperature. Fennel plants grow best in a warm to moderately cool climate and a temperature range of 15 to 18 degrees Celsius (60 to 65 degrees F). To ensure optimal growth, plant the seeds 0.6 to 1 cm deep, at a depth of about a few inches. After a few weeks, you will see small fennel seedlings arising from the soil.

The fennel seeds are also useful for other conditions, such as cystitis. They are also useful for kidney stones and can be used in combination with other herbal urinary antiseptics. The seeds can be ground into a powder and infused with water to treat urinary tract infections. The herbal infusion may also be used to treat sore throats or as a gargle.

You can use fennel seeds to make herbal tea or chew on them as a condiment. To prepare a tea, boil fennel seeds in 250 ml of water for about ten minutes and strain. Cover the pot and allow it to steep. Once cooled, strain the tea and drink three cups per day. If you’re experiencing altitude sickness, fennel seeds are a great home remedy for altitude sickness.

5. Cloves

The essential oil of cloves has been used for centuries to treat digestive ailments. It has antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties that help relieve gas, bloating, cramping, and pain. It is also an expectorant, breaking up and thinning mucous. When taken internally, cloves may alleviate symptoms of unproductive cough and mild asthma. They are an effective remedy for altitude sickness.

The flower bud, stem, leaves, and essential oil are used in a variety of products, including medicines and cleaning products. The odor-fighting properties of clove essential oil make it a good choice for a wide range of applications, including reducing sensitivity to irritants and viruses. This makes clove essential oil a valuable addition to your medicine cabinet. It is also used in the production of toothpaste, deodorants, and shampoos.

Another important use of cloves is their culinary value. A single clove of clove has 30 times the antioxidant power of a blueberry! These compounds help the body fight off bad bacteria and slow down the signs of aging. Additionally, cloves help the heart pump blood, preventing inflammation and mucus that can lead to cold symptoms. Moreover, they are excellent natural air fresheners. They combat foul odors and make the air feel fresh.

Some people believe that applying clove bud oil directly to the mouth can prevent altitude sickness. While the oil contains many beneficial properties, it should be used with caution. Too much clove can cause nausea and vomiting, and excessive use can cause seizures. Additionally, you should avoid using clove bud oil on your gums, since this can weaken the mucus membrane. Moreover, it is not advisable for breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women, as the oil can cause skin irritation and inflammation.

6. Garlic

Garlic Cloves

Garlic is an excellent home remedy for altitude sickness. It is effective in increasing blood circulation and thins the blood, reducing breathlessness and symptoms of altitude sickness. Garlic also reduces dizziness and nausea. While several pharmaceutical medications are effective against altitude sickness, a home remedy may be the right choice for you. Talk to your doctor before trying any pharmaceutical medication, though. Garlic can reduce the symptoms of height disorder in as little as two weeks.

For a delicious garlic soup, simply grate a clove of garlic and add a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mixture will help you relieve nausea and stomach discomfort associated with altitude sickness. Besides eating garlic-based foods, you can also consume a soup made from chopped onion and one teaspoon of garlic. Another great home remedy for altitude sickness is garlic tea, which is made from crushed garlic, which will help reduce symptoms of altitude sickness. Garlic has blood-thinning properties and can relieve mild headaches, confusion, and high altitude shortness of breath.

When high-altitude travel is inevitable, many people experience the symptoms of altitude sickness. The symptoms begin several hours after arriving at a high altitude and will get worse if you drink alcohol or engage in strenuous exercise. If the symptoms last more than a day or two, you should head back to a lower altitude. The symptoms of high-altitude sickness can be more serious than the symptoms you are currently experiencing.

Altitude sickness can be a serious problem, but some home remedies may help.  If you experience altitude sickness, it is important to drink plenty of fluids and take ibuprofen for headaches and muscle aches.  You can also try ginger or honey for nausea, chamomile tea for insomnia, and lavender oil for dizziness.  In more severe cases, you may need to see a doctor. 

Have you ever experienced altitude sickness? What remedies did you use? Let us know in the comments below.

A Doctor of Public Health, Lacy Ryan has accrued more than ten years of experience, making a name for herself as a researcher, writer, policy analyst, and project manager specializing in public health and international development.She earned her PhD in Community and Behavioural Health at the Colorado School of Public Health, her Master’s Degree in Global Health and Public Policy at the University of Edinburgh, and her Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Biomedical Sciences (with minours in Biology and Psychology) at the University of Waterloo.

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