As someone who is passionate about dental health and hygiene, it is important to me to share the knowledge I have with others. That is why I have compiled a list of home remedies for cavities for you to turn to for advice. Keeping your teeth in tip top shape is important for long lasting dental health and a healthy smile. Turning to home remedies for cavities is not only easy, but gentle and highly effective ways to heal cavities naturally.


Cavities, also known as caries, are little holes that appear in the tooth and are caused by a decay in the tooth or teeth that are affected. What causes tooth decay you might ask? Tooth decay can be caused by a bacterial infection. This bacterial infection will cause the affected tooth to become demineralized and destruct the hard tissues within the teeth.

There are certain risks associated in developing cavities. You can develop a cavity from several different factors which includes:

  • Food that will cling to your teeth for long periods of time
  • Frequent sipping or snacking
  • Dental hygiene that is poor
  • Lack of proper amounts of fluoride
  • Dry mouth
  • Worn out fillings or other dental devices
  • Developed eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia due to the constant purging. (The stomach acids in the vomit will eventually break down the enamel placing the teeth at high risk for developing cavities.)
  • Weakness in the teeth due to lack of proper diet
  • Damaged teeth that have not been looked after
  • Diets lacking calcium, magnesium, or phosphorus

Understanding the causes of cavities will allow you to understand how to prevent cavities. Cavity prevention is essential in dental health and hygiene. Yet, before I go on to cavity prevention, let’s have a look at the signs and symptoms of cavities so you can understand what a cavity will do.


When you have a cavity as an adult, you will know. However, cavities in children can be harder to identify. This can be due to the fact that they do not realize they have one. Not to mention, their teeth are smaller so it can be tricky to spot. Yet, if you are aware of the signs and symptoms, not only can you quickly identify a cavity in a child, you can recognize a cavity appearance in your own mouth.

The signs and symptoms of cavities include:

  • Toothache
  • Tooth sensitivity to cold and/or hot temperatures
  • Sharp or mild pain when drinking or eating
  • Visible pits or holes in the affected tooth
  • Black, white, or brown staining on the affected tooth

If you allow your cavities to go without treatment, they can develop into more serious problems. This includes tooth decay, severe toothaches, infections, and even losing the affected tooth. When this occurs you will need to seek the professional advice of your dentist for professional (and expensive) treatments such as root canals, fillings, and/or crowns.

If you have noticed your child or yourself developing any of the above listed symptoms, you should go to a dentist for a medical diagnosis. With a dental check-up you can determine how serious the cavity is and receive a proper diagnosis. It is advised to speak to your dentist before administering any tooth decay treatment at home.


Treating cavities at home is simple and easy. Not to mention that home remedies are also gentle and powerful and can even be used on babies or young children. After you have received a diagnosis of a cavity, you can begin to use a home remedy for cavities right away.

11 Weird Home Remedies for Cavities that Actually Work

1. Administer Clove and Sesame Seed Oils

sesame seeds

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Cloves are one of the most vital ingredients in fighting cavities naturally. Due to the high properties of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and analgesic properties, clove can help to soothe any pain caused by the cavity as well as heal them entirely. Clove will target the affected area and prevent it from spreading from the first use.

In addition to cavities, clove is useful for a wide range of dental problems.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2-3 drops of clove oil
  • ¼ teaspoon of sesame oil
  • Cotton balls


  • Place the sesame oil and the clove oil on a cotton ball.
  • Gently rub and press the cotton ball directly onto the tooth affected by the cavity.
  • Repeat nightly before bed.

Notes: Do not use and excess amount of clove or continue use for extended periods of time. Clove oil is best used as a quick and temporary relief from cavities.

2. Swish Salt Water


Salt is a highly useful home remedy for cavities due to its high levels of anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. Salt will allow for the pain and inflammation to be reduced, it will draw out the infection present in the tooth, and it will prevent further infection from occurring.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Warm water


  • Place the salt into a glass of warm water.
  • Immediately take the water into your mouth, without swallowing, and swish thoroughly in your mouth. Make sure to concentrate on the effected tooth.
  • After one minute of swishing, spit into the sink and rinse your mouth with cold water.
  • Repeat three times each day until you no longer have cavities.

3. Practice Oil Pulling


The art of oil pulling is centuries old. It is an ancient home remedy for dental health issues and can assist in issues such as bleeding gums, foul breath, and of course, reducing cavities. Oil pulling helps you to pull the harmful, infection causing bacteria from the mouth. The cleansing effect of oil pulling will help you clear your mouth of harmful bacterias.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of sesame, sunflower, or coconut oils


  • Place the tablespoon of the oil of your choice directly into your mouth. Do not swallow.
  • Gently, yet vigorously swish the oil into your mouth for approximately 20 minutes.
  • Spit it out. Make sure you do not swallow or gargle the oil o choice.
  • Rinse with warmed water. (you can add a little salt for added benefits)
  • Brush your teeth as usual.
  • Repeat each morning, on an empty stomach, until the cavities are gone.

4. Administer a Garlic Paste


Garlic is a natural fighter against bacteria and can help reduce the infection caused by the cavity as well as keep it from spreading. Garlic is often recommended among homeopaths for cavities and tooth decay as a natural remedy. In addition in assisting with the infection, garlic can reduce and soothe any pain, inflammation, and help to promote healthier gums and teeth.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3-4 cloves of fresh garlic
  • ¼ teaspoon of rock salt


  • Peel and crush the fresh cloves of garlic.
  • Slowly start to add the rock salt and combine with the crushed garlic to make a paster.
  • Directly apply it to the infected tooth.
  • Leave to rest on the infected tooth for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse with a mouthwash.
  • Repeat twice daily until your cavity is healed.

Notes: If you do not want to make a paste, you can rub garlic oil directly on the infected tooth with a cotton ball for the same amount of time. In addition, consuming raw garlic will aid in cavity prevention and healing.

5. Administer Licorice Root

Licorice Root

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Licorice root is a natural ingredient that will help to keep the teeth and the rest of the mouth healthy. This is because the licorice root contains two powerful ingredients- licoricidin and licorisoflaven A – both of which will directly fight against infection and inflammation. Licorice root will also help prevent the cavity from spreading as well as fight against any plaque present on the teeth.

Required Ingredients:

  • ½ teaspoon of dried licorice root


  • Add the dried licorice root to your toothpaste on your toothbrush.
  • Brush normally and rinse.
  • Repeat twice daily until your cavities are healed.

Notes: If you do not want to use dried licorice root, you may also gently chew on a piece of soft licorice and use it in place of your toothbrush.

6. Administer Turmeric


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Turmeric is often turned to for a natural remedy to fight against cavities. Turmeric will provide instant relief from pain caused by the cavities as well as stop any inflammation. Turmeric contains high anti-bacterial properties that will aid in gum health as well as prevent the spread of any infection present in the tooth.

Required Ingredients:

  • ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder


  • Place the turmeric powder directly into your mouth paying attention to any areas affected by cavities.
  • Leave in place for 3-4 minutes before rinsing with warm water.
  • Repeat twice a day for 3 days.
  • Repeat this cycle once per week until your cavities have healed.

Notes: In addition to using turmeric powder, you can also combine the turmeric with ¼ teaspoon of mustard oil. You will need to massage this combination onto your teeth and gums and leave in place for ten minutes before rinsing with warm water. Repeat on the same schedule for best results.

7. Administer Neem

neem powder

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Neem leaves, also known as Indian Lilac, are a cure all for several skin, teeth, hair, and digestion issues in humans and animals. This is due to the high levels of anti-microbial, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial agents found in the neem plants. The high levels of anti-bacterial agents will easily heal any size cavity quickly and prevent the further spread of cavities in the mouth.

In addition, neem will promote healthier gums and strong teeth.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1-3 Neem leaves


  • Take the neem leaves and gently rub them throughout the mouth, paying close attention to the gums and any areas affected by cavities.
  • Repeat twice daily until the cavities are gone.

Notes: If you cannot find fresh neem leaves, you can use a toothpaste containing neem or even neem essential oil.

8. Administer Indian Gooseberry

indian gooseberry

Another herbal remedy for cavities is Indian Gooseberry, sometimes called amla. This herb contains high amounts of Vitamin C and antioxidants as well as being a natural anti-bacterial fighting ingredient. Indian gooseberry will promote the healing of the cavities present as well as prevent the further spread of any infections present.

Indian gooseberry will also aid in the development and healing of the gums connective tissues. Furthermore, the indian gooseberry will cleanse the mouth and get rid of bad breath.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh Amla


  • Wash and eat one fresh amla each day.
  • Repeat daily for 2 weeks for best results.

Notes: If you cannot find fresh amla, you can also administer a powdered amla. Simply add ½ a teaspoon of the dried amla to a glass of water and drink once per day for one to two weeks.

9. Administer Nutmeg


Nutmeg is a natural herbal remedy for several ailments since it contains high levels of anticariogenic properties. These properties will extract the infection within the cavity and heal the affected area. At the same time, the nutmeg will help prevent the spread of further cavities within the mouth.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 Fresh nutmeg clove
  • ½ teaspoon of clove or oregano oil


  • Grind the nutmeg clove and combine with the clove or oregano oil.
  • Place onto the affected tooth and throughout the entire mouth.
  • Leave in place for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat twice per day for 7-10 days for best results against cavities.

Notes: If you cannot find fresh nutmeg, you can also administer nutmeg oil. Simple take a cotton swab and absorb a generous amount of the nutmeg oil. Gently rub the cotton swab onto the affected area and leave for 10 minutes before rinsing. Follow the same regime schedule as the above listed home remedy.

10. Administer Wheatgrass


Wheatgrass is a natural ingredient containing high levels of vitamins and minerals as well as cancer and anti-bacterial fighting properties. Since the wheatgrass contains such high levels of anti-bacterial properties it is a great home remedy for fighting against cavities. The wheatgrass will help fight the infection and the spread of the infection, any inflammation, and any pain associated with the cavity.

In addition, wheatgrass has high levels of Vitamin E and A and it also contains minerals that are vital for strong and healthy teeth such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh wheatgrass or wheatgrass juice


  • Drink ½ a glass of fresh wheatgrass juice once per day on an empty stomach. Repeat daily until the cavity has healed.
  • In addition, you can chew on the fresh wheatgrass slowly and ensure you are thorough so it can penetrate the affected areas.

Notes: If you do not want to drink or chew the wheatgrass you may also combine 1 part wheatgrass to 6 parts water and swish in your mouth for several minutes before spitting and rinsing away.

11. Administer Activated Charcoal

activative charcoal

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Activated charcoal is a natural ingredient that helps the body to get rid of toxins. In the case of oral health, activated charcoal will help to whiten your teeth as well as remove the toxins causing the infection in the tooth.Activated charcoal works gently yet powerfully and it will promote whiter teeth, fight off infection , plaque, and gingivitis, strengthen the enamel and promote further enamel growth, as well as give you fresh breath. Essentially, activate charcoal is a great home remedy for cavities and complete oral health.

Required Ingredients:

  • Activated charcoal tablets


  • Crush up one activated charcoal tablet.
  • Wet your toothbrush and place the crushed activated charcoal onto the toothbrush.
  • Place the toothbrush into your mouth and brush normally, yet pay careful attention to any areas affected by cavities.
  • Brush in small circular motions for 2 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat once to twice a week for 1-2 weeks or until the cavity is gone.

Any of the above listed home remedies for cavities can be used on children, just be sure to find one that agrees with your child as some of them have a stronger taste than others. In addition to helping to cure cavities and tooth decay in adults and children, the above listed home remedies are also great for treatment for baby bottle tooth decay in children.

In case you are not aware of this condition, baby bottle tooth decay is a term given to the condition that develops in babies and toddlers who are developing teeth, yet are already suffering from tooth decay due to the high sugar contents of a juice or bottle given to them. Babies and toddlers are susceptible to developing baby bottle tooth decay since they will be regularly using a bottle and they are constantly drinking or sipping throughout the day without rinsing their mouths with water.

In addition, many parents make the mistake in assuming babies and toddlers do not require dental care. This cannot be further from the truth. If teeth are present in the mouth, even if they are baby teeth, oral hygiene and care are important for the proper development and health of the teeth and mouth.

Combining any of the above home remedies for cavities can also be implemented, depending on the severity of your cavities or tooth decay, personal preference, and dental recommendations. There are also several tips you can keep in mind so you have optimal dental health and prevent further cavities from developing.

Tips for better dental hygiene and to prevent more cavities from developing include:

  • Regularly use a mouthwash that is antibacterial. This will enable you to fight off bacteria, plaque, and even prevent gum disease.
  • Rinse your mouth with slightly warm water any time after eating a snack or drinking something that is not water.
  • Cut out sugary foods, candy, and sodas from your diet or reduce your intake of these products.
  • Make sure to brush 2-3 times per day.
  • When you brush ensure you are using gentle and circular motions.
  • Make sure to floss at least once per day to help remove plaque, bacteria, and any food stuck in between the teeth and gums.
  • Drink black or green tea to prevent plaque build-up on the teeth.
  • After drinking any drinks that are acidic, make sure to rinse your mouth with warm water to help remove the acids from your teeth and enamel.
  • Drinking cranberry juice often will help to promote dental health.
  • Make sure you are getting plenty of vitamin d – whether it be through exposure to the sun, eating plenty of diary, or even taking a supplement.
  • Chewing sugar free gum will aid in saliva production which will help prevent dry mouth, remove any food particles in the teeth, as well as prevent cavities.
  • Drink plenty of water each day. The water will help to rinse away anything left on the mouth and increase your saliva production. You will also prevent dry mouth and bad breath with regularly drinking water.
  • Make sure your diet is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals so you can be at optimal health and fight infection naturally as well as increase your saliva production.

Keeping a healthy smile will leave you wanting to smile even more. And smiles are very contagious. This is why I am passionate about oral health and hygiene and with the help of home remedies for cavities you can be sure to achieve the best natural dental health for you and your family. Keeping high levels of dental health are vital to ensure you have long lasting gum and tooth health.

After your baby teeth, you only get one chance to keep your teeth for the rest of your life. Make sure you take care of them. This is another reason why I love to share natural remedies with others. If you can use a natural remedy to help with the health and care of your body instead of using harsh chemicals, you will find they are powerful and gentle.

Have you tried any of the above home remedies for cavities or tooth decay? Did you find that you prefer a certain method over another or did you use the home remedy for your child or children? Let us know about your experience because after all, sharing is caring!

(Last Updated On: December 5, 2022)

Craig Campbell is a qualified dentist from the United Kingdom. He graduated six years ago, and he has been practicing dentistry since then. Campbell is fully registered with the General Dental Council, the UK-regulator of dental professionals.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. joan

    Thank you sooo much!!! I’ve been stressing abt. my saufhter’ssaufhdaughter'”9″ cavities!, and abt. 1,500.00 dentist wants! I’m definitely trying the garlic paste, or licorice root added 2 toothpaste! T

  2. Larinda

    How long for licorice root to work?

  3. Henry

    I have used turmeric and the result was outstanding.

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