When you want to enjoy the outdoors during the summer, you can often times become victim to chiggers. These itchy and irritating culprits can cause discomfort and pain but with the help of home remedies for chiggers, you can find relief quickly and naturally. Many of the home remedies for chiggers are simple and can be found around the house, helping you to get back to enjoying the summer sooner.


Trombiculidae are part of the Arachnida family and there are several different species. The most common species is chiggers. Chiggers can be found outdoors, usually in warm and humid climates and in wooded areas. Typically you will find chiggers in low vegetation and grasslands usually close to streams, lakes, or rivers. The most common areas where chiggers can be found are:

The most common areas where chiggers can be found are:

  • Golf courses
  • Berry bushes
  • Tall grass
  • Lawns
  • Parks
  • Weeds
  • Woodland areas

When you make contact with one of these areas where chiggers inhabit, the chigger will attach itself to your skin, hair, or clothing.

Once the chigger has attached itself, the lifecycle will immediately begin. The adult chiggers feed off of dead skin cells and inject the skin cells with their digestive enzymes. This is often confused for biting, but the enzymes will create a small hole in the skin for the chigger to continue feeding and hatch larvae. The microscopic hole is referred to as a stylostome, and this is where you will see the irritation of the chiggers.

Once the larvae have detached from the skin, they will morph into nymphs and fall to the ground. The nymphs will continue to grow and search for a new host. After finding a new host, the life cycle of the chigger will repeat.

Signs and Symptoms

Once the life cycle of the chigger begins, it can take up to three to six days before you will notice signs or symptoms. Due to the delay in showing signs of chiggers, it can be hard to trace the source. However, those who are particularly sensitive to insect bites or have allergies will see signs and symptoms sooner.

Signs and symptoms of a chigger infestation include:

  • Red bumps

  • Severe itchiness

  • Irritation

  • Swelling

  • Lesions

  • Welts

  • Raised or flat irritated areas

  • Hives

  • Skin rash

  • Bumps resembling a pimple or pustule

It is very common to see chigger bites around the ankles, feet, waist, or within the skin folds of the body. Chiggers seek out warm areas on the host because it is most preferable to hatch larvae in warm, moist areas. This is why you can sometimes see chigger bites in the arm pits, stomach folds, or behind the knees.


Chiggers can also be referred to as Harvest Mites or Red Mites. Regardless of their name, their itchy and irritating symptoms will need to be relieved fast to prevent further infection caused by scratching and further spread around the body.

The following home remedies for chiggers are fast acting and provide natural relief from this microscopic pest.

30 Home Remedies for Chiggers for Fast Acting Relief

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    1. Taking a Hot Shower


As simple as this home remedy is, many people infested with chiggers often overlook it. Taking a hot shower can immediately alleviate swelling and itchiness associated with chiggers. Once you notice that you have chiggers, you should seek to take a hot shower right away to prevent your symptoms from getting worse.

Required Ingredients:

  • Access to a shower facility

  • Hot water


  • Make the water temperature as hot as you can endure

  • Let the affected area come in direct contact with the stream of water

  • Leave in the water for several minutes

  • Repeat as desired

Note: If you have access to a bathtub, a long soak in the hot water will also do the trick.

    2. Direct Application of Chamomile

    dry chamomile

Chamomile is known for its anti-itch and soothing properties. Not only does chamomile help to relieve your symptoms, it can also promote healing. Chamomile can be found in several forms such as lotions or creams, and herbs. The most common form of chamomile is dried and used for tea.

Required Ingredients:

  • Dried chamomile herb

  • One cup of hot water

  • Strainer

  • Cotton balls


  • Add the chamomile herb to the hot water

  • Let it steep for a few minutes

  • Strain into a separate cup

  • Dip the cotton ball into the tea

  • Apply the cotton ball to the affected area

  • Gently wipe around the affected area

Note: Using the hot water will also act as a soothing agent.

    3. Direct Application of Calamine

    calamine lotion

    Photo Credit: seton.com

Calamine lotion is used for a variety of skin ailments that cause itching and irritation. The calamine will provide near instant relief from the itchiness caused by the chiggers. Calamine lotion can be found in nearly every drug store or pharmacy.

Required Ingredients:

  • One bottle of calamine lotion

  • Cotton balls


  • Take a cotton ball and soak up a small amount of calamine lotion

  • Directly apply the cotton ball to the affected area

  • Gently rub in the calamine lotion

  • Let the calamine lotion sit on the affected area for at least ten minutes

  • Wash off gently with mild soap and water

  • Repeat as needed until symptoms are relieved

    4. Direct Application of Aspirin


Aspirin is most often used orally to alleviate pain in the body. However, when it is crushed into a powder it can be used externally for relief of irritation and pain associated with insect bites.

Required Ingredients:

  • Aspirin

  • Mortar and pestle


  • Take two to three aspirin tablets and crush them into a fine powder using the mortar and pestle

  • Apply the powder directly to the affected area

  • Leave the powder on for at least one hour

  • Repeat as needed throughout the day until the chiggers are no longer present

Note: It is important to use pure aspirin tablets. Make sure the aspirin tablets are not combined with any other medicines.

    5. Direct Application of an Olive Oil Combination

    olive oil

The healing properties of olive oil have been used for centuries for several skin conditions. Chiggers are no exception. When olive oil is combined with tea tree oil, it packs a double healing punch that can help you get rid of chiggers fast and soothe your irritated skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (organic if possible)

  • A few drops of tea tree oil

  • Small bowl


  • Combine the olive oil and the tea tree oil in the bowl

  • Stir well

  • Directly apply the mixture to the affected area

  • Gently rub in and leave on for several hours

  • Repeat three to four times a day as needed until the symptoms are no longer present

    6. Drinking Herbal Tea

herbal tea

Herbal teas can help fight the chigger infestation from the inside. Herbal teas such as chamomile, green, or peppermint will help the damaged skin cells heal as well as provide relief from irritation and gently soothe your skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • One cup of hot water

  • An herbal tea of your choice (organic if possible)


  • Let the tea steep in the hot water for a few minutes

  • Strain the tea leaves or remove the tea bag

  • Drink the tea three to four times per day while you are noticing signs and symptoms of chiggers

    7. Direct Application of Heat


As mentioned above, heat is a great way to reduce inflammation and irritation associated with chiggers. Instead of taking a hot shower, you can directly apply heat with the use of a hair dryer to quickly stop any itching or inflammation.

Required Ingredients:

  • Hair dryer


  • Turn the hair dryer on the lowest setting and hold the hair dryer a few inches away from your skin

  • Let the hot air blow directly onto the sites of the chiggers

  • Let the hot air blow onto the affected area for several minutes

  • Repeat two to three times per day until the symptoms are relieved

Note: It is important to remember not to let the hair dryer touch your skin directly. If you feel the air is too hot, stop using the hair dryer and continue in a few minutes.

    8. Direct Application of Baking Soda Paste

    Baking Soda

Applying a baking soda paste is highly effective in fighting chigger irritation. The paste will suffocate the chiggers present in the skin and prevent the life cycle from continuing. This remedy is useful for getting rid of chiggers fast as well as soothing the irritated skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of baking soda

  • ½ a tablespoon of warm water

  • Small bowl and spoon


  • Combine the baking soda with the warm water in the bowl

  • Gently stir until a paste forms

  • Once the paste is formed, directly apply it to the chigger sites

  • Leave the paste on for ten to fifteen minutes

  • Repeat two to three times per day until the infestation is gone

    9. Direct Application of Vicks Vapor Rub and Salt Combination

    Vicks Vapor Rub

    Photo Credit: dailymail.co.uk

Vick’s Vapor Rub is also useful for suffocating any live chiggers present in the skin. When used in combination with salt, it will drive out any present chiggers as well as kill any larvae. The menthol present in the Vick’s Vapor Rub will also act as a gentle solution for your intense itchiness and irritation.

Required Ingredients:

  • One small jar of Vick’s Vapor Rub

  • ½ teaspoon of salt

  • Small bowl


  • Combine the salt with one tablespoon of the Vick’s Vapor Rub

  • Gently stir until well combined

  • Directly apply the mixture to the skin

  • Leave the mixture on for several minutes

  • Repeat two to three times per day as needed until the chiggers are gone

Note: If you have sensitive skin, test this remedy in a small, unaffected area first to see if you will have any irritation caused from the mixture.

    10. Directly Applying Clear Nail Polish

clear nail polish

Photo Credit: shefinds.com

Clear nail polish is useful for isolating and suffocating the chiggers present in the skin. A layer of the polish will also help to relieve itching.

Required Ingredients:

  • One bottle of clear nail polish


  • Shake the bottle of nail polish

  • Open and apply a few coats directly to the affected area

  • Let dry

  • Leave on for the day

  • Wash off after a day (or night) of leaving the nail polish on

  • Repeat daily until the chiggers are no longer present

Note: Make sure to use a fresh bottle of nail polish.

    11. Directly Applying Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent remedy for relieving all types of skin irritations and conditions. Tea tree oil contains several anti-itch, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties that help relieve and heal the skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • Tea Tree Oil

  • Dropper

  • Cotton balls


  • Apply a few drops of the tea tree oil directly onto the affected area

  • Use a cotton ball to gently rub into the skin

  • Leave on for several hours

  • Reapply two to three times per day until you no longer notice symptoms of chiggers

Note: This remedy should not be used on individuals who have sensitive skin.

    12. Direct Application of Castor Oil

    castor oil

    Photo Credit: stylecraze.com

Castor oil will help to alleviate irritation and itchiness caused from the chiggers.

Required Ingredients:

  • One teaspoon of Castor oil

  • Cotton ball


  • Dip the cotton ball into the castor oil

  • Gently rub the cotton ball onto the skin

  • Leave on for several minutes

  • Wash off gently with soap and water

  • Repeat two to four times per day as needed until the symptoms are relieved

    13. Direct Application of Honey


The healing properties of honey are a gentle way to help heal any damaged skin as well as relieve itchiness and inflammation. This remedy is best used overnight so it can help relieve itchiness during your sleep.

Required Ingredients:

  • Honey

  • Toothpicks

  • Bandages


  • Take a small amount of honey and place it directly onto the chigger site

  • Use the toothpick to spread around the area

  • Once the honey has fully covered the chiggers, apply a bandage to keep the honey in place throughout the night

  • Repeat every night until the chiggers have ceased

Note: Organic and local honey is more effective for fighting chiggers.

    14. Direct Application of Garlic


The properties present in fresh garlic can offer quick relief from itchiness, inflammation, and irritation caused by chiggers. If you can stand the smell, this remedy is soothing and fast acting.

Required Ingredients:

  • Two to three cloves of fresh garlic

  • Mortar and pestle


  • Crush the cloves of garlic using the mortar and pestle

  • Once you start to see the juices appearing, stop and apply the juices directly to the affected area

  • Let it sit for several minutes

  • Wash off gently with soap and water

  • Repeat two to three times per day until you are no longer showing signs of chiggers

Note: Do not apply this remedy to bites that are bleeding.

    15. Direct Application of Tea Tree Mixture

    tea tree oil

As mentioned above, tea tree oil is excellent for relieving symptoms of chiggers. When tea tree oil is combined with other natural ingredients, it can relieve the symptoms faster as well as heal and soothe the skin. This mixture stops itching instantly and helps the skin recover from chiggers.

Required Ingredients:

  • ½ teaspoon of dish soap

  • ¼ cup of pineapple juice

  • ½ teaspoon of tea tree oil

  • ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper

  • Small bowl

  • Cotton ball


  • Mix the dish soap with the pineapple juice in the bowl

  • Add the tea tree oil and stir

  • Add the cayenne pepper and stir

  • Once fully combined, dip a cotton ball into the mixture and directly apply to the skin

  • Leave the mixture on the skin for several minutes until dry

  • Repeat this treatment two to three times per day until the chiggers are no longer present

Note: It is common for a slight burning sensation to occur when you first apply the mixture to the skin. This will stop as soon as it has dried.

    16. Direct Application of Ice


The cooling effect of ice will help to alleviate pain, inflammation, and itching caused by the chiggers. Ice will act quickly to relieve any itching and should be used after any heat remedies.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ice pack

  • Small cloth


  • Wrap the ice pack with the small cloth

  • Apply the wrapped ice pack directly to the affected area

  • Leave on for ten to fifteen minutes

  • Repeat two to three times per day until the symptoms are relieved

    17. Direct Application of Peppermint


Fresh peppermint can provide fast acting relief and cooling effects for insect bites, including chiggers. A peppermint paste will help soothe the irritated and itchy skin as well as promote healing.

Required Ingredients:

  • One bunch of fresh peppermint

  • Mortar and pestle


  • Wash and dry the peppermint leaves and remove the stems

  • Take a handful of peppermint leaves and use the mortar and pestle to crush into a paste

  • Once a paste has formed, take a small amount and rub into the chigger bites

  • Let the paste sit for fifteen to twenty minutes

  • Wash off gently with soap and water

  • Repeat two to four times per day until the chiggers have gone

    18. Direct Application of Aloe Vera

aloe vera

The healing properties of Aloe Vera are widely used in a variety of skin conditions. Aloe Vera is gentle and promotes healing as well as soothing and calming irritated skin. Aloe Vera can also help to remove redness while it repairs damaged cells. Aloe Vera will also provide instant relief from the severe itchiness caused by the bites.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cooled Aloe Vera Gel


  • Cool the Aloe Vera gel by leaving it in a fridge for at least half an hour

  • Once cooled, apply the gel directly to the chigger bites

  • Leave on the skin until dry

Note: You can use fresh or bottled Aloe Vera gel.

    19. Soaking the Area in Water and Apple Cider Vinegar

    apple cider vinegar

    Photo Credit: heinzvinegar.com

Apple cider vinegar will provide instant relief from itchiness and irritations. When used in combination with warm water, you will notice results right away and the healing process will speed up.

Required Ingredients:

  • Two to three cups of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Warm water


  • Add the apple cider vinegar to the warm water

  • Let the affected area soak in the water until the water has cooled

  • Repeat two to three times per day until your symptoms are relieved

    20. Direct Application of Lime


Limes are highly acidic and because of this, they can help eliminate chiggers quickly. The anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties within the limes will help to stop any itching and promote healing in the skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh limes

  • Knife


  • Cut a fresh lime in half

  • Take one of the halves and rub it directly onto the affected area

  • Let the lime juice stay on the area until it has dried

  • Wash gently with soap and water

  • Repeat three times per day until the chiggers are no longer present

Note: Be careful using this remedy if you have bites that are bleeding because the limes will cause a stinging sensation.

    21. Direct Application of Neem Oil

    Neem Oil

    Photo Credit: neemoiluses.com

The medicinal properties of neem oil are highly effective in soothing, repairing, and healing skin affected by chiggers. Neem oil acts quickly to provide relief from itching and will promote the skin cells to heal. Neem is useful for a wide range of insect bites, especially chiggers.

According to a study done by Dr. Charles at the Medical and Cancer Research and Treatment Center in India, 814 people were treated with Neem. These people were treated with a scrub bath and an application of a paste made with ground Neem leaves and turmeric. The paste was rubbed all over the affected areas and left to dry. The procedure was repeated daily until the patient was cured. Of the 814 cases, 98% showed complete cure within 3 - 15 days of treatment.

Required Ingredients:

  • Neem oil

  • Cotton ball


  • Apply several drops of the neem oil directly to the skin

  • Use the cotton ball to gently rub the neem oil into the affected area

  • Leave the neem oil on the skin until dry

  • Repeat two to three times per day until the chiggers are gone

    22. Direct Application of Yellow Onion

yellow onion

Yellow onions can provide relief from chiggers due to the fact that they contain natural amounts of sulfur. The sulfur will help to neutralize the bites and inhibit the growth of the larvae, disrupting the life cycle and allowing for a faster healing time. The yellow onion will also help to stop itchiness.

Required Ingredients:

  • A fresh yellow onion

  • Knife


  • Peel and slice the onion

  • Take a slice and rub it directly onto the affected area

  • Repeat twice per day until the chiggers have disappeared

    23. Direct Application of Essential Oils Combination

    essential oils

Essential oils are great for soothing and moisturizing irritated skin as well as providing relief from itching. Most essential oils are very gentle and can be used on children.

Required Ingredients:

  • One tablespoon of Lavender Oil

  • ½ tablespoon of peppermint oil

  • Two to three drops of tea tree oil

  • One teaspoon of olive oil (optional)

  • Small bowl

  • Cotton balls


  • Combine the oils in the bowl and mix well

  • Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it to the skin

  • Gently rub the mixture into the skin and let dry

  • Repeat this two to three times per day until the chiggers are gone

Note: If you have sensitive skin, test a small unaffected area first before applying to the chiggers.

    24. Direct Application of Calendula

    Calendula cream

    Photo Credit: iherb.com

Calendula lotion is excellent for soothing skin and promoting healing. Calendula can stop itching in its tracks which will allow for faster healing time and less irritation caused from scratching. Calendula will also reduce any irritation as well as redness.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herbal calendula lotion or cream


  • Apply a quarter sized amount to the affected area

  • Gently rub into the skin until all the lotion is absorbed

  • Repeat twice per day to relieve symptoms until the chiggers have gone

Note: Herbal calendula lotions or creams can be found in many health food stores or pharmacies.

    25. Use of Mild Soap


Simply washing the affected area with a mild soap and warm water can help calm the skin and leave it clean. This can help to soothe the bites right away as well as stop the desire to itch the affected areas.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mild and gentle soap

  • Warm water

  • Towel


  • Rinse the affected area with warm water

  • Wash gently with the soap and rinse off

  • Pat dry with a towel

  • Repeat twice a day until the chiggers have disappeared

Note: Make sure the soap is unscented as fancier soaps can further irritate the bites.

    26. Direct Application of Tea Bags


Applying herbal tea bags directly to the chigger bites can help to soothe the affected area and stop to urge to itch. In fact, nearly all symptoms that are brought on by chiggers can be relieved by using this method.

Required Ingredients:

  • Herbal tea bag of your choice (green, chamomile, or peppermint work best)

  • One cup of hot water


  • Steep the tea bag in the hot water for a few minutes

  • Remove the tea bag and place directly onto the affected area

  • Leave the tea bag for several minutes or until it cools

  • Repeat two to four times per day to relieve the symptoms caused by chiggers

Note: If you are drinking herbal tea to stop chiggers, reuse the tea bags through this method.

    27. Soaking in a Bath of Warm Water and Cornstarch


As previously mentioned, warm water will help soothe itchiness and irritation caused by chiggers. When you add cornstarch into the mix, you get an extra healing boost which will allow for a faster recovery. The cornstarch will help relieve any soreness and promote any healing of damage caused by scratching.

Required Ingredients:

  • Access to a bath

  • Warm water

  • One cup of cornstarch


  • Draw a bath using warm water

  • Add the cornstarch to the bath while the water is running so it will evenly distribute

  • Once the bath is drawn, let yourself soak in the bath for at least fifteen minutes or until the water is cooled

  • Repeat once per day to relieve your symptoms

    28. Direct Application of Baby Oil

Baby Oil

Photo Credit: Johnsonsbaby.com

Baby oil is a gentle remedy that can be used by anyone affected by chiggers. The baby oil will moisturize, soothe, and promote healing as well as lessen any irritation, inflammation, and itching.

Required Ingredients:

  • Baby oil

  • Cotton balls


  • Wet the cotton ball with the baby oil

  • Take the cotton ball and gently rub into the affected area

  • Leave the baby oil on the skin until it dries

  • Repeat several times a day as needed to relieve your symptoms

    29. Direct Application of Mouthwash


Although not widely known, mouthwash can help to stop chiggers. The anti-septic properties will soothe your symptoms as well as inhibit the growth of the larvae.

Required Ingredients:

  • Mouthwash

  • Cotton balls


  • Soak a cotton ball with the mouthwash

  • Apply the cotton ball directly to the affected area

  • Repeat three times per day until the chiggers have gone

Note: Most mouthwash types will suffice, but do not use ones with whitening.

    30. Direct Application of Ace Bandages

    Ace Bandages

    Photo Credit: shopmedvet.com

Another simple remedy, covering the area with a bandage will stop the urge to itch, as well as inhibit the growth of the larvae by restricting air. Bandages can be used throughout the day or overnight and should be used alongside other remedies for best results.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ace bandages

  • Medical tape


  • Cleanse and dry the area thoroughly

  • Apply an Ace bandage using the medical tape

  • Leave on throughout the day or overnight

  • Use once per day until the chiggers have ceased

If you have found yourself starting to itch or noticing little red bumps appearing after a summer day outside, you should look to home remedies for chiggers to ease your symptoms. The severe itchiness alone will seem to drive you mad, but with the help of home remedies for chiggers, you will be able to stop the itching instantly and promote healing in your skin. Home remedies for chiggers are fast acting and highly effective in removing these tiny insects from your skin.

(Last Updated On: March 11, 2021)

Annalise O'Conner is a Registered Dietitian and Personalized Nutritionist. She is a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching nutrition in the School of Public Health and APAN (Asian Pacific Islander American Network) Email: [email protected]