(Last Updated On: August 25, 2022)

Various underlying conditions result in a patient presenting with dementia. However, the biggest cause of this state is Alzheimer’s disease. In this case, dementia progresses slowly and gets worse over time. Not all instances of perceived dementia are true dementia. Sometimes a patient can respond adversely to prescribed drugs or vitamin deficiencies. Once the primary problem is treated, dementia disappears. There is currently no medical cure for true dementia. However, natural remedies have been used with varying degrees of success to delay the onset of full-blown dementia.

Understanding Dementia

Dementia involves both psychological and physiological changes in a person. There is an atypical build-up of 2 proteins (amyloid and tau) when Alzheimer’s disease is implicated; take a dementia signs quiz if you suspect Alzheimer’s.

A family member is likely to notice substantial memory loss, frequently getting lost, and a loss of motor functions that affects coordination. The affected person may display signs of disorientation or confusion or have communication difficulties such as not being able to find the words that they are looking for. Complex tasks and those that require problem-solving, logic, organizing, and planning become harder to manage.

The main psychological dementia signs are inappropriate behavior, such as walking in front of people naked, hallucinations, paranoia, anxiety, agitation, depression, and changes in personality.

Natural Remedies For Dementia

Natural Remedies That Delay The Onset Of Dementia

Once a person shows signs of dementia, it may be possible to address deterioration and reduce the severity of symptoms with natural remedies. Traditional treatments do not have much success in reversing or limiting the condition, have numerous side effects, and are costly. We look at some natural products.

Ginkgo Biloba

There is some support for ginkgo Biloba making a difference in patients who already have dementia. However, no improvements in memory occurred in people who did not have cognitive impairment. Ginkgo biloba does not prevent dementia.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

One form of Omega=3 is docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). DHA plays a key role in neuronal development. Omega-3 fatty acids have antiamyloid, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Eating fish several times a week has been shown to have a greater ameliorating effect on Alzheimer’s disease than Omega-3 fatty acids. Nevertheless, the latter may improve memory and concentration where cognitive impairment already exists. Additionally, it has a positive effect on depression.



Studies indicated that ginseng produced statistically significant positive results when subjects were tested with the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). However, this does not necessarily translate to clinically apparent improvements. In other words, the patient’s behavior and symptoms may not show a demonstrable change for the better.

Huperzine A

Huperzine A is extracted from a Chinese herb. The activities of daily living showed an improvement in patients with dementia with two doses of 100 µg Huperzine A per day. At two to four times this quantity, it improves cognition in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. It is an effective alternative to conventional medicines, despite a common side effect of nausea.

Vitamin D

People with a vitamin D deficiency are more likely to have dementia, regardless of the underlying cause. A vitamin D deficiency is also implicated in greater mortality rates. The same is unfortunately also true of high levels of the vitamin, indicating a need for optimal daily doses between 25 nmol/L and 50 nmol/L. Patients with too much of the vitamin in their systems were more prone to fractures and falls.

Natural remedies show mixed results in improving dementia.

A senior academic researcher, reviewer, and editor, Dr. Declan Pouros is also an internationally accredited psychotherapist. He earned his PhD in Psychological Counseling and Guidance, and in the years since, he has taught in the Department of Psychological Counseling and Guidance himself.He has also authored papers that have gone on to appear in such world-renowned journals as the European Journal of Psychological Assessment, Psychological Reports, the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Asia Pacific Psychiatry, and Computers in Human Behaviour.

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