Shaving should leave you feeling smooth and hair free, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes you’re left with razor bumps that will end up haunting you for days after your shave. These irritating and let’s be honest, embarrassing razor bumps don’t have to haunt you! With the help of home remedies for razor bumps, your skin will be renewed and those razor bumps will be history.

I am passionate about total body health, especially skin care. That is why I love to share natural and safe home remedies with the world so others can achieve their best overall health by using the best of what Mother Nature has to offer.


Razor bumps, scientifically known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, yet often referred to as razor burn, can be caused by a few different things. The most common cause of razor bumps is often due to the lack of proper shaving tools. Simply put, if your razor is not sharp enough or you are using the wrong type of razor, more than likely, you’re going to end up with razor burn.

Get a razor is the perfect place to find the right type of razor to avoid the razor burn.

When you shave, especially if you are not using a sharp enough razor or worse, an old razor you are at risk of developing razor bumps. This is because of how the razor affects the hairs on your skin. As you shave, your razor will actually begin to sharpen the hairs on your skin. When this happens, your hair will be more likely to puncture your skin and cause ingrown hairs to appear.

This is especially true for those who have curly or wavy hair since the hairs will naturally twist back down towards the skin.

After your hair has punctured your skin, your body will begin to fight off this so called ‘intrusion’. Your body will treat this intrusion as a contamination and will begin to respond as such. Your white blood cells, which fight off infection, will activate and this is why you will see the development of either a pustule or a red bump in the place of the intrusion.

To make it simple, anytime you shave you can cause your hair to sharpen and once this happens, you can puncture your skin. When your skin is punctured, razor bumps will pop right up. No matter how many times you have shaved or how close you feel you have shaved, you are still at risk of developing the pesky and even embarrassing razor bumps.

However, practicing shaving is not the only cause of dreaded razor burn. The other culprits include:

  • Using a hard soap
  • Shaving onto dry skin
  • Closely shaving onto the skin
  • Shaving in areas where the skin is thinner and more delicate
  • Having sensitive skin
  • Using a razor more than 10 times
  • Shaving curly hair (because the way the hair grows out of the follicle and curling back in makes it harder to shave and unfortunately, more prone to razor burn)
  • Shaving against the hair follicle direction
  • Shaving frequently (this is especially true for men. Men who prefer to be clean shaven daily will be more likely to develop razor bumps since they are constantly bringing a razor to their face.)


Razor bumps occur after you have shaved an area on the body such as the face, legs, armpits, bikini line or anywhere else you have unwanted hair. When you have razor bumps, you will not be able to ignore their discomfort. Signs and symptoms of razor bumps include:

  • Ingrown hair on the face, or other freshly shaved areas
  • Small red bumps
  • Irritation
  • Inflammation
  • Slight pain or discomfort at the site of the bumps
  • Clusters of red bumps in an area
  • Dry skin
  • Redness or rash on the skin
  • Burning of the skin
  • Itchiness
  • Appearance of red bumps that are similar to acne or pustules
  • Skin that is sensitive to the touch

Although anyone who shaves can get razor bumps, there are many things you can do to help heal these unsightly red bumps naturally and quickly. There are even measures you can take that prevents razor bumps altogether, which I will discuss later on.

Razor burn can appear anywhere you have shaved and the signs and symptoms can appear on the skin as fast as 10 minutes after shaving or as long as 24 hours after you shave. Regardless of how long it takes for the razor bumps to appear, once you have noticed the flare up of razor burn, you can begin home remedies for razor bumps right away.


Luckily, there are several home remedies for razor bumps that will help to soothe your skin and heal these painful and annoying red bumps.

17 Radical Home Remedies for Razor Bumps that Heal Your Skin

1. Administer Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oil

Tea Tree Oil is a powerful natural remedy that can assist with a wide variety of skin conditions and ailments and razor bumps are no exception. This is due to the high anti-bacterial properties that are present in the Tea Tree Oil.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 bottle of pure tea tree oil
  • Cotton balls
  • Warm Water
  • Small cup or bowl


  • Add several drops of the tea tree oil to the cup or bowl and combine with a small amount of warm water to dilute.
  • Dip the cotton ball into the dilution and directly apply to the razor bumps.
  • Allow to dry on the skin.
  • Repeat twice daily until the razor bumps are gone.

Notes: It is important to dilute the tea tree oil because it is quite strong and can irritate the skin especially if you have sensitive skin.

2. Administer Baby Powder

baby powder

Photo Credit:

Baby powder is a gentle way to heal any razor bumps or rash caused from shaving. It’s initial uses is for baby rash on infants and toddlers and it’s soothing effect has been proven to work on skin irritation such as razor bumps.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 bottle of baby powder


  • Sprinkle a small amount directly onto the affected area.
  • Leave to dry if it is in a discreet area. If it is the face allow to rest on the skin for 10-15 minutes and gently wipe away with warm water.
  • Repeat 2-3 times per day to help soothe and heal the skin.

3. Administer Coconut Oil


Coconut oil contains antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial agents that help heal and soothe a wide range of ailments, especially those affecting the skin.

Required Ingredients:

  • Organic coconut oil


  • Dab a small amount of the coconut oil directly onto the skin.
  • Leave to fully absorb.
  • Repeat twice per day until the razor bumps are gone.

4. Administer a Strawberry Paste


Strawberries can help the inflammation and redness caused by the razor bumps. When combined with acrid cream, you can give your skin a moisturizing and soothing mask that helps promote healing fast.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3-4 strawberries
  • Acrid cream
  • Mortar and pestle


  • Cut the tops off the strawberries and add to the mortar and pestle.
  • Pound the strawberries until they are a pulp.
  • Add a small amount of acrid cream to thicken the strawberries and create a mask-like paste.
  • Place the paste directly onto the affected area and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat twice per day until the razor bumps are gone.

5. Administer Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent and toner that helps promote healthy skin. Witch hazel will help cool the skin and promote moisture as well.

Required Ingredients:

  • One bottle of witch hazel
  • Cotton balls


  • Dip the cotton ball into the witch hazel and directly apply to the razor bumps.
  • Allow to dry on the skin.
  • Repeat twice per day until the razor bumps have disappeared.

6. Administer Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking soda will help to fade any redness from the razor bumps or rash. In addition, the baking soda will help to give your skin relief from any burning sensation and irritation.

Required Ingredients:

  • One tbsp. of baking soda
  • One tbsp. of warm water
  • Cotton balls


  • Combine the baking soda and the water in a small bowl.
  • Dip the cotton ball into the mixture and directly apply to the razor burn.
  • Leave on the skin for 5 minutes, or until it has dried.
  • Repeat 2-3 times a day until the razor burn is gone.

7. Administer a Sugar Scrub


A sugar scrub will help to exfoliate your skin as well as soothe your irritation, redness, and any rash present.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp of consistent sugar
  • 2 tbsp of sugar
  • 4 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp of crude nectar


  • Combine all the ingredients in a small bowl. Stir well to ensure the coconut oil is thoroughly combined.
  • Directly apply to the razor bumps.
  • Leave in place for several minutes before rinsing with warm water.
  • Repeat 1-2 times daily until the razor bumps are no more.

8. Administer Essential Oils

essential oils

A powerful combination of essential oils will help to soothe and moisturize your irritated skin. The calming properties of essential oils will reduce redness, inflammation, rash, itchiness, and dryness caused by the razor bumps.

Required Ingredients:

  • 5-8 drops of lavender, calendula, or chamomile essential oils. (or a combination of all three)
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 1 tbsp of waterSmall container
  • Cotton ball


  • Add the water and ice cubes to the small container and add the droplets of the essential oil.
  • Dip the cotton ball into the water and directly apply to the razor bumps.
  • Allow the essential oils to dry on the skin.
  • Repeat 2-3 times per day until the razor bumps have healed.

9. Administer Honey


Honey is a strong anti-bacterial agent that will help to heal your razor bumps gently, but also quickly. The honey will also help to soothe your irritation and minimize the appearance of the razor bumps.

Required Ingredients:

  • Honey
  • Ice water


  • Directly apply a thin layer of honey to the affected area and allow to sit on the skin for 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with the ice water.
  • Repeat twice per day until the razor burn has disappeared.

Notes: Following your rinse, you can apply witch hazel or apple cider vinegar to the razor burn for an additional kick to the healing of your razor burns.

10. Administer an Ice Pack


Photo Credit:

Ice will help to cool and soothe your redness, rash, bumps, irritation, and itchiness. In addition, ice will help to prevent further dryness and irritation from developing. Not to mention, if you have large bumps or pustules caused by the razor burn, the ice will help to shrink them right away.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ice pack or several ice cubes
  • Clean towel


  • Wrap your ice pack in the towel and place directly onto the razor bumps.
  • Leave in place for 5-7 minutes
  • Repeat 3 times per day until the razor bumps are gone.

Notes: Make sure to use the towel to protect your skin from getting too cold.

11. Administer Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is a cure-all among natural remedies and is perfect for helping to heal and soothe a wide range of skin conditions. The anti-bacterial properties present can heal razor bumps fast while at the same time, soothing your irritation and reducing your inflammation and rash.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Cotton balls


  • Use a cotton ball to directly apply the apple cider vinegar to your razor burn.
  • Leave on the skin to absorb.
  • Repeat twice per day until your razor bumps are gone.

12. Administer Aspirin


Aspirin will help to reduce inflammation and redness as well as any pain or irritation you may feel while you have razor bumps.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 aspirin
  • 1 tsp of warm water


  • Place the 2 aspirin into the warm water and allow to sit until it becomes a thick, glue-like paste.
  • Place this paste directly onto the razor burn.
  • Leave on the skin for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Repeat 2 times per day to get rid of razor burn

Notes: If you have highly sensitive skin, this home remedy for razor bumps is not recommended.

13. Administer Aloe Vera

aloe vera

This natural source of moisture will help calm and soothe your skin while it promotes healing. In addition, the aloe vera will help to reduce redness, inflammation, dryness, itchiness, and rash associated with razor bumps.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh or bottled aloe vera


  • Place a generous amount of the aloe vera directly onto the razor bumps.
  • Leave on the skin to absorb.
  • Repeat 3-4 times per day until the razor bumps subside.

14. Administer Fresh Cucumber


Fresh cucumber will help to cool and moisturize your irritated skin. The Vitamin K and Vitamin C present in the cucumber will allow your skin to heal quickly.

Required Ingredients:

  • Freshly sliced cucumber


  • Cut the cucumber and place into the fridge for half an hour.
  • Remove from the fridge after 30 minutes
  • Take a cool slice and rub gently in small circles onto the razor bumps.
  • Repeat with a fresh slice if needed in larger affected areas.
  • Repeat 2-3 times per day until the skin heals.

15. Administer Fresh Lemon Juice


The acidic properties of fresh lemon juice will dry up any bumps or pustules that have formed. The lemon juice will also reduce redness, inflammation, and rash caused by the razor bumps. Not to mention the high amounts of Vitamin C present in the lemon juice will give your skin the extra boost it needs to heal faster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Cotton balls


  • Gently rub the lemon juice onto the skin in small circular motions.
  • Repeat up to twice per day until the razor burn has healed.

Notes: The lemon juice can cause your skin to sting slightly which is normal, but if you have highly sensitive skin, this remedy is not recommended.

16. Administer Black Tea

black tea

The tannins present in black tea are super powerful in helping to heal razor bumps. The tannins will directly target the inflammation, redness, and irritation caused by the razor burn and will allow your skin to heal faster.

Required Ingredients:

  • Black tea bags
  • Hot water


  • Steep the tea bag in the hot water for about 2 minutes.
  • Remove the tea bag and place directly onto the razor burn.
  • Rub the tea bag gently in circles for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rinse your face with cold water.
  • Repeat twice per day until the razor bumps are gone.

Notes: Make sure you are only using a pure black tea for this remedy.

17. Administer Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil can provide high levels of moisture to your skin and it will also provide anti-inflammatory agents to your razor burn to calm your painful razor bumps.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pure olive oil (any style-cold pressed, extra virgin, etc)
  • Cotton balls


  • Dip the cotton ball into your olive oil and place directly onto your razor burn.
  • Gently rub the cotton ball in circular motions.
  • Allow the olive oil to remain on the skin for up to 5 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water.
  • Repeat up to twice per day until the razor burn subsides.

Razor burn or razor bumps, can be healed and soothed with any of the above home remedies. Yet, one of the best things you can do for your skin is to prevent razor bumps altogether. Prevention is not only easy, it will help ensure your skin stays healthy.

A few efforts you can make to help prevent razor bumps from appearing in the first place include:

  • Abstaining from shaving
  • Using a one bladed razor
  • Ensuring your razor is sharp
  • Take a hot shower or steam your skin before you shave so you can open up the pores and allow for a more gentle shave
  • Shave in the direction of your hair growth
  • If possible, trim the hair before you shave to prevent ingrown hairs from occurring.
  • Use a shaving cream or gel that is of high quality
  • Avoid shaving on dry skin
  • Avoid shaving with soap bars or harsh soaps
  • Rinse your face with cold water after you shave to prevent bumps from appearing.
  • Moisturize your skin after you shave to prevent irritation and red bumps.
  • Avoid consistent shaving
  • Wash your razor before and after you shave with alcohol to clean and disinfect your razor
  • Do not use a razor that has been used more than 10 times for shaving
  • Avoid scratching or touching your face after you have shaved.
  • Ensure you are using proper shaving tools
  • Use warm or hot water during shaving and rinse with cold water afterwards
  • Try substituting shaving with waxing – this is suitable for the legs, bikini line, and armpits, but unfortunately, it is not practical for the face.
  • Avoid shaving on acne or current razor bumps.
  • Keep your skin care and health a priority.

Achieving a clean cut look and smooth shave is always the goal. Making sure you keep that look can be achieved by adhering to the above tips, but sometimes razor bumps can still sneak up on you, especially if you have sensitive skin.

In that case, the 17 home remedies for razor bumps are here to rescue your skin. You can choose to use just one method or combine a few to give your skin the best chance of healing gently and quite quickly.

Personally, I believe that combining a couple of the above listed home remedies for razor bumps will be the best choice to help your skin return to its normal state. Simply choose a few based on your skin type, what you already have around the house, and what is most convenient for you to implement.

Home remedies are natural, safe, powerful, and gentle. This is why I use them for any ailments or illnesses I may have and I am passionate about sharing this knowledge with others so that safe alternatives can be made more prevalent. I hope you have enjoyed this article for home remedies for razor bumps and I hope you can find the information I have shared to be useful for you!

Please feel free to share which of the home remedies for razor bumps you want to try or have used before. Which one is your favorite?

(Last Updated On: March 11, 2021)

Annalise O'Conner is a Registered Dietitian and Personalized Nutritionist. She is a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching nutrition in the School of Public Health and APAN (Asian Pacific Islander American Network) Email: [email protected]

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