(Last Updated On: August 24, 2022)

Appearance is important to every one of us, and our hair is a vital part of how we look. In fact, it’s a matter of pride for every woman to have soft, luxurious hair. So, it’s only natural to worry if we notice something wrong. For example, too much hair on the brush.

You might think that hair loss is something that happens only to older men, but you’re wrong. Men are indeed more prone to baldness than women. But around 40% of the women also experience hair thinning and hair loss after menopause.

What can we do in such circumstances? Well, there are many home remedies for hair loss that can help us deal with the problem. But it’s also an excellent idea to consult with a dermatologist first.

Let’s first look at the root of the problem.

What causes hair loss?

Believe it or not, we lose around 50-100 strands of hair every day. The number grows up to 250 when we wash our scalp. And this is considered normal.

But it seems a lot, right? Then why don’t we notice anything? To find the answer, let’s take a look at how our hair grows.

The growth cycle of the hair consists of three phases:

  • Anagen – the growth phase ( 2-8 years)
  • Catagen – transition phase ( 2-3 weeks during which the hair follicle shrinks)
  • Telogen – resting phase ( 2-4 months during which the hair rest)

A hair follicle grows about 1 cm every month for two to eight years. Then it stops growing. It shrinks, rests and falls. Then it gets replaced with another strand.

About 90% of the hair on our scalp is in the growth phase. So, hair loss occurs when something goes wrong with this cycle, or the hair follicle gets destroyed.

But what hinders the growth of our hair? Well, the reasons are complex, and they are still not fully understood. However, professionals link hair loss with the following factors:

  • Genes. Hair loss tends to run in the family. If either one of your parents has hair issues, it’s likely that you’ll also experience hair loss.
  • Age.
  • Hormonal changes and imbalances such as pregnancy, menopause, childbirth.
  • Thyroid gland diseases.
  • Stress, traumatic events, surgeries.
  • Ringworms.
  • Deficiency of iron and protein.
  • Tight braids and ponytails.
  • Curling iron.
  • Hair dyes.
  • Side effects of medication.
  • Alopecia areata (an autoimmune disease that causes your body to attack the hair follicles)
  • Trichotillomania (a mental disorder when a person compulsively tears his hair)

Besides age, risk factors for hair loss include:

  • Heredity
  • Certain autoimmune disorders
  • Hairstyle
  • Medication

Signs and symptoms of hair loss

Hair loss might be difficult to notice at the beginning. As we said, it’s normal to lose strands of hair every day. But how much is too much? Do we count the hairs? No, of course not. Look for the following signs:

  • thinning of the hair
  • receding hairline
  • excessive shedding

There are different types of hair loss, and some of them might be reversible. Let’s take a look at them:

  • Male-pattern baldness. The typical symptoms are receding hairline, thinning of the hair (crown and temple), and horseshoe shapes around the back and side of the head. It starts in the late twenties or thirties.
  • Female-pattern baldness. The sign is thinning of the hair on the top of the head.
  • Alopecia areata. The symptoms are bold patches as big as a large coin on the scalp. It usually affects teenagers. The hair regrows in most cases, but some do develop severe hair loss.
  • Scarring alopecia. A complete destruction of the hair follicle due to complications from other diseases.
  • Anagen effluvium. The typical sign is a widespread hair loss on your face, head, and body. It’s usually due to chemotherapy, and it’s temporal.
  • Telogen effluvium. It’s a type of alopecia areata, but it causes a widespread thinning of the hair. Usually, your hair will start to grow in about six months.

How is hair loss treated?

5 Mind Blowing Home Remedies For Hair Loss That Actually Work

When age or genetics is to blame for the loss of your shiny strands of hair, you usually don’t need any treatment. But, since few people are ready to say goodbye to their lovely curls, there are some options to explore.

Here are some efficient home remedies for hair loss that you could use to restore your beautiful hair. But, remember! When the culprit behind hair loss is an illness, you need to tackle this problem first. Then, worry about your hair. Even the best hair growth shampoos on the market can’t cure your genetics or a hormonal imbalance.”

1. Coconut milk promotes hair growth

Yes, you read it correctly. Coconut milk is your solution if you have hair problems. And why is that? Well, there are several factors:

  • Coconut milk is rich in healthy fats.
  • It contains vitamin E. That’s important because vitamin E has antioxidant properties and it repairs damaged hair follicles.
  • The magnesium in coconut milk strengthens the hair.
  • It improves hair elasticity.
  • It moisturizes the hair.
  • Coconut milk contains niacin and folate. They are known for their ability to increase blood circulation.

Required Ingredients:

  • a coconut
  • a pan
  • water
  • a coconut grater
  • a bowl
  • a cheese cloth
  • shampoo


  • Break the coconut and then grate it.
  • Put the grated coconut in the cheese cloth.
  • Add some water.
  • Squeeze the milk in a bowl.
  • Filter the milk.
  • Put the milk in the pan.
  • Simmer for five minutes.
  • Wait for the milk to cool.
  • Apply the milk on your scalp.
  • Be thorough.
  • Wait 3-4 hours.
  • Shampoo your hair.
  • Repeat two times a week.

If the hair loss is extensive, you can add some ingredients to improve the efficiency of coconut milk.

Required Ingredients:

  • 50 ml coconut milk
  • 10 ml of plain yogurt
  • Camphor solution


  • Mix the coconut milk with the yogurt.
  • Add some camphor solution.
  • Massage your scalp.
  • Don’t miss any bold spots.
  • Wait for two hours.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • Let your hair dry naturally.

Notes: It’s best to use fresh coconuts for making coconut milk. You can also use coconut oil and massage it on your scalp.

2. Red wine is beneficial for the hair

red wine

That’s right. Red wine is not only a tasty beverage that you indulge in from time to time. It turns out that it has unexpected hair benefits. Are you curious what they could be? Let’s see:

  • Red wine protects the hair from UV damage.
  • It’s rich in antioxidants such as bioflavonoids. It keeps your hair young and lustrous.
  • The antioxidants present in the red wine, repair damaged hair.
  • It stimulates the blood circulation on your scalp. Moreover, it strengthens the blood vessels and may lower your chance of getting dandruff.
  • It contains resveratrol, which has many potential health benefits. Among them is preventing hair loss.

The bottom line is that regularly drinking a glass of wine may do you some good. But if you don’t enjoy the taste of wine, there are other options.

Required Ingredients:

  • a cup of red wine
  • shampoo
  • conditioner


  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Apply a conditioner.
  • Rinse with red wine

Alternatively, you can apply the red wine directly to your hair.

Required Ingredients:

  • red wine
  • water
  • a spray bottle
  • shampoo


  • Mix red wine with water to dilute it.
  • Put the diluted red wine in the spray bottle.
  • Spray your scalp.
  • Cover your hair.
  • Wait for an hour.
  • Rinse with warm water and shampoo

Notes: In case, you feel any irritation, wash the wine immediately. Also, if you choose to drink red wine, don’t overindulge.

Here’s a video you can watch for more information.

3. Castor oil for strong and luxurious hair

Castor oil is an essential oil that has been used as a remedy for hair loss for a long time. It’s an ingredient that it’s often present in many hair growth products.

Moreover, the shampoo for hair loss contains castor oil. Let’s see why:

  • Castor oil has powerful antibacterial and antifungal qualities. It’s perfect for dealing with scalp infections that may lead to hair loss.
  • Due to the presence of omega-9 acids and ricinoleic acid, castor oil improves scalp circulation. In this way, it supplies the hair follicles with the nutrients and oxygen they need.
  • It restores the natural pH balance of the scalp.
  • It restores damaged roots and eliminates splits ends.
  • Castor oil also has antioxidant properties that make our hair strong and smooth. Moreover, the antioxidant effect prevents tearing or falling.

Here’s how to use castor oil for hair loss:

Required Ingredients:

  • castor oil
  • a bowl
  • shampoo
  • water


  • Measure 1-2 tablespoons of castor oil.
  • Add them to a bowl.
  • Damp your hair.
  • Apply the oil to the hair thoroughly using your finger.
  • Wait a few hours.
  • Rinse off with shampoo.
  • Repeat.

For better results, you may use castor oil in combination with other oils. For example, almond oil also nourishes the hair.

Required Ingredients:

  • one tablespoon of castor oil
  • two tablespoons of almond oil
  • a glass container
  • water
  • a shower cap


  • Mix the castor oil and the almond oil in the glass container.
  • Stir.
  • Damp your hair.
  • Apply the mixture to your scalp using your fingers.
  • Massage for five minutes.
  • Put on the shower cap.
  • Wait a few hours.
  • Rinse off with shampoo.
  • Repeat several times a week.

Notes: Castor oil might cause an allergic reaction. Do a patch test to determine whether castor oil is safe for you. For better results, use organic cold-pressed castor oil.

4. Apple cider vinegar removes dead skin


For years, apple cider vinegar has been used to treat various hair and skin conditions. It’s not a surprise that it’s an effective remedy for hair loss. But why is that?

Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes and acids that prevent the growth of bacteria. It restores the natural pH balance of the scalp and acts as a cleansing agent by removing chemicals, dead skin, and dirt. In this way, it unclogs hair follicles and promotes hair growth.

It also increases the scalp blood circulation which in turn supplies the hair follicles with nutrients.

Required Ingredients:

  • ½ cup of organic apple cider vinegar
  • ½ cup of lukewarm water.
  • shampoo


  • Mix the vinegar and the lukewarm water.
  • Wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Rinse your hair with the diluted vinegar.
  • Massage your scalp.
  • Wait 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with water.
  • Repeat several times a week

Notes: Always use organic, raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Be aware that it might dry your scalp. Here you can find more apple cider recipes for hair loss.

5. Licorice root soothes the scalp

Licorice root is another effective and simple home remedy for hair problems. But what does it do? It soothes the scalps, opens your pores and prevents hair damage. It can also help you get rid of scalp irritation.

Why? Because it’s rich in vitamins, flavonoids, essential oil, protein, fat and much more. All these compounds promote hair growth.

Required Ingredients:

  • grounded licorice root
  • ¼ teaspoon of saffron
  • a bowl
  • one cup of milk


  • Measure one tablespoon of grounded licorice root.
  • Measure one cup of milk and pour it into the bowl.
  • Add the grounded licorice
  • Add ¼ teaspoon of saffron.
  • Mix well to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the problematic area.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Wash your hair in the morning.
  • Repeat maximum twice a week.

Notes: Do a patch test before applying licorice root to check if it would irritate your skin. You can also drink licorice tea three times a day. But don’t consume it for an extended period. There are some potential side effects.

How to prevent hair loss?

Since hair loss might be due to genetics, there is little you can do on this front. But here are some tips that might lower your chance of losing your hair:

  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Take good care of your hair.
  • Don’t wear tight braids or ponytails.
  • Eat healthily.
  • Be careful with hair styling products.

What do you think about these home remedies for hair loss? Have your ever tried one of them? Please, tell us what you think in the comments, we will be glad to hear from you. And don’t forget to share the article with your friends, especially if they suffer from hair loss.

A licensed hair practitioner, Catalina Johnson has worked in hair care for more than 25 years, spending the last decade focusing on trichology, which is the study of hair and scalp disorders.She is an accomplished author and educator as well, and she credits God for drawing her to the hair industry.

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