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Do you avoid shaking hands because your palms are all sweaty? It's natural to feel embarrassed and ashamed in such situations.

But you're not alone. A lot of people suffer from sweaty hands and feet and wonder how to get rid of them.

So, today we're going to look at 9 home remedies for sweaty hands and feet that can help you deal with the problem.

But first, let's see why your hands get so sweaty.

What Causes Sweaty Hands and Feet?

First and foremost, sweating is a normal reaction whose purpose is to cool down the body because high temperatures are dangerous. You're likely to sweat more than usual when:

  • The weather is hot outside
  • You've been exercising for some times
  • You're under extreme stress
  • You are ill, and you have a high fever

How does it work? When your body registers one of those factors, the nerves send signals to the sweat glands to start producing sweat.

Then it travels to the surface of the skin to cool off the body.

However, sweat glands should stop producing sweat when the external factor is removed. For example, when your fever breaks or when you hide from the scorching sun.

If that doesn't happen, you might have a condition called hyperhidrosis, which is the medical term for excessive sweating.

For some reason or another, your sweat glands don't stop producing perspiration when they should have.

In such cases, you sweat like a pig even when you don't have any logical reason for it. You might even sweat in a swimming pool or under an air-conditioner.

But why does this happen? Well, hyperhidrosis can be two types:

Primary hyperhidrosis occurs when the sweat glands don't turn off at all. It causes excessive sweating, which usually affects the hands, face, feet, and underarms.

The curious thing is that people who have primary hyperhidrosis sweat from their eccrine sweat glands.

If you want to know it, the average person has around 2 million sweat glands. And most of them are eccrine sweat glands. These glands are mainly located on the hands, feet, armpits, and face.

Why some people have primary hyperhidrosis is still a mystery. However, doctors believe that it could be hereditary. It usually starts in adolescence, but it can also affect children.

While it's embarrassing, primary hyperhidrosis is not a cause for concerns.

Secondary hyperhidrosis, on the other hand, is the result of a medical condition or medication. While primary hyperhidrosis affects the hands, feet, armpits, and face, secondary hyperhidrosis affects the whole body or one general area.

In most cases, secondary hyperhidrosis might be the result of fever if you're body is trying to fight out a virus or bacteria. However, it can also be due to:

This type of hyperhidrosis can represent as night sweats. Since secondary hyperhidrosis might be due to a serious illness, you should talk with your doctor if you're sweating more than usual, especially if it happens during the night, and you don't have an explanation for it.

Keep in mind that some medication can cause hyperhidrosis as a side effect, for example, antidepressants, some high blood pressure pills, and pilocarpine. Substance abuse also can lead to excessive sweating.

Signs and Symptoms of Sweaty Hands and Feet

If you're wondering if there is an amount of sweating that is considered normal - there is no such thing. That's why hyperhidrosis is defined as perspiration that causes problems or makes you feel embarrassed or in distress. Around 3% suffer from hyperhidrosis with no known cause.

The usual symptoms are:

  • Wet and clammy hands
  • Sweaty and sticky feet
  • Frequent sweating
  • Perspiration that soaks through the clothes and leaves stains
  • Skin problems, for example, bacterial or fungal infections because they thrive in a moist environment.
  • Worrying about body odors
  • Social withdrawal
  • Problems with stained clothing

Home Remedies for Sweaty Hands and Feet

Home Remedies for Sweaty Hands and Feet

Usually, hyperhidrosis is controlled by using antiperspirant. Unlike deodorants, antiperspirants plug the sweat pores, because they contain aluminum salts.

Other more aggressive treatment options include:

  • Anticholinergic medication, which blocks the nerve signals to the sweat glands
  • Botox injections
  • Iontophoresis therapy, which involves passing a mild electrical shock while your hands are submerged in water. While efficient, it can be quite painful.
  • Surgery to remove some of the sweat glands.

If neither of these sounds suitable for you, here are some natural remedies that can reduce the amount of sweating in the hands and feet.

#1 Baking Soda balances the skin’s pH

baking soda

Baking soda is one of the easiest and cheapest home remedies for sweaty hands and feet. Since baking soda is alkaline in nature, it can reduce the sweating because it acts as an antiperspirant. Not only will it restore the natural pH balance of your skin, but it can also speed the evaporation of the sweat.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Baking soda
  2. A plastic bowl
  3. Warm water


  1. Fill the bowl with warm water.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Dip your hands or feet into the water and rub them with the baking powder.
  4. Wait 20 minutes to half an hour.
  5. Pat your palms/feet dry.

Alternatively, make a baking soda paste:

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Baking soda
  2. Water
  3. A bowl


  1. Mix two-three teaspoons of baking soda with water.
  2. Make a paste.
  3. Cover your hands or feet with the paste.
  4. Wait five minutes.
  5. Rinse with water.
  6. Pat your hands/feet dry.

Notes: You can also sprinkle some baking soda in your shoes to remove the unpleasant odor. It works like a miracle because the baking soda absorbs the smells and kills bacteria.

#2 Rosewater has Astringent Properties

Rosewater is a common beauty product that makes an excellent skin toner. That’s because rosewater has mild astringent properties, which means that it shrinks pores.

So, if you use rosewater on your hands/feet, the astringent effect will reduce the amount of sweat. What’s more, rosewater is completely safe and non-toxic and has tons of benefits for the skin.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Rosewater
  2. Cotton pads
  3. A bowl


  1. Fill a bowl with some rosewater.
  2. Dip a cotton pad into the water.
  3. Apply it to your hands and feet.

In addition to its sweat-reducing abilities, rosewater also has a cooling effect on the skin.

Notes: You can make rosewater at home by boiling rose petals in water and then straining the mixture.

#3 Cold Water is a Quick Solution

Water filled Plastic Bags

Unfortunately, sweat doesn’t dry fast on its own. But what can you do when you need to get rid of the accumulated sweat quickly?

All you need to treat sweaty hands is cold water. It’s not exactly a permanent solution, but it can help you in time of crisis when you don’t want to embarrass yourself in front of others.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Cold water
  2. A towel


  1. Fill a bowl with cold water.
  2. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  3. Pat them dry with the towel.

Alternatively, try soaking your hands in cold water:

Necessary ingredients:

  1. A bowl
  2. Cold water
  3. A towel


  1. Fill a bowl with cold water.
  2. Dip your hands/feet into the water.
  3. Wait half an hour.
  4. Dry your hands/feet with a towel 

Notes: Don’t use too much soap when you’re washing your hands. Soap tends to dry the skin and might make matters worse.

#4 Talcum Powder

Credit: medicalxpress.com

Talcum powder is often used to prevent diaper rashes in babies and adults. Do you know why? Because it absorbs sweat so well and leaves the skin dry. In addition to this, talcum reduces friction. It’s an excellent choice because you can carry it with you and use it whenever possible.

Necessary ingredients:

  • Talcum powder


  1. Get the Talcum powder.
  2. Dust some of the powder on your hands and feet.
  3. You’re ready to go.

Notes: There have been some claims that talcum powder causes cancer. The belief is based on the fact that talc, the mineral from which talcum powder is made, sometimes contains asbestos. Asbestos is considered carcinogenic, especially when inhaled.

However, talcum powder is safe when it’s pure. If you’re worried about it, you might try talc-free powders or cornstarch to combat your sweaty hands and feet.

#5 Apple Cider Vinegar for Sweat-Free Hands


Photo Credit: eatthis.com

Just like rose water, apple cider vinegar has astringent properties and shrinks pores. What’s more, ACV has some antibacterial effect, which can be used to keep bacteria at check. And it also balances the pH of your skin and returns it to normal.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Apple cider vinegar
  2. Water
  3. A bowl


  1. Pour some apple cider vinegar in the bowl.
  2. Wipe your hands or feet with the vinegar.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes.
  4. Rinse with water.
  5. Repeat every day.

Notes: For optimum effect, you can wash your hands with ACV before bed and wash them with water in the morning. However, keep in mind that your hands/feet might smell a little afterward.

#6 Sage Leaves Absorb Excess Sweat

fresh sage

Sage leaves are effective in reducing sweat and odor because they have astringent, antibacterial, and antihydrotic properties. In other words, they stop perspiration and reduce skin oils.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Sage leaves
  2. Water
  3. A bowl


  1. Get a handful of sage leaves.
  2. Soak them in the water.
  3. Dip your hands/feet in the liquid.
  4. Wait 20 minutes.
  5. Repeat.

Notes: Besides soaking your hands/feet in sage leave water, you can try drinking sage tea. However, you should speak to your doctor because it can interfere with some medications.

#7 Sandalwood Powder Stops Perspiration

Photo Credit: fashionlady.in

Sandalwood powder is made from crushed and dried sandalwood, a type of tree considered sacred to many cultures. The sandalwood’s benefits for the skin are well-proofed because sandalwood has antiseptic, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties.

In general, people use it to get rid of acne, treat sunburn, or exfoliate. However, sandalwood powder can come in handy when you’re dealing with excessive sweating because it can soak the excess moisture.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Sandalwood powder
  2. Lemon juice
  3. Rosewater
  4. A bowl


  1. Measure a few spoons of sandalwood powder and pour them into the bowl.
  2. Add rose water and lemon juice to the powder.
  3. Mix the ingredients until you have a thick paste.
  4. Apply the paste to the affected sweaty area.
  5. Wait.
  6. Rinse off with cool water.

Notes: You can also use sandalwood powder to lighten your skin and get rid of blemishes and spots.

#8 Potatoes Absorb Excess Water


While potatoes are delicious to eat, they also have another purpose which you don’t know. They can help you deal with sweaty hands and feet. That’s because they are rich in potassium, which allows them to absorb the excess water out of your skin.

Necessary ingredients:

  1. A potato
  2. A knife


  1. Peel and cut the potato in pieces.
  2. Rub your hands and feet with the pieces.

Notes: Foods rich in simple sugar like the potato raise the blood sugar levels and might lead to excessive sweating. So you might want to reduce your sugar intake if you sweat too much.

#9 Black Tea for Sweat-Free Hands

black tea

Last but not least, you can try black tea to control your sweaty hands and feet. Black tea, similarly to sage, has astringent properties and closes off the pores. As a result, it reduces sweating. Also, black tea contains tannins, which can cool the temperature of your body. 

Necessary ingredients:

  1. Loose black tea
  2. A blow
  3. A teapot


  1. Brew some loose black tea.
  2. Pour it into the bowl.
  3. Allow it to cool.
  4. Soak your hands/feet into the liquid for 30 minutes.
  5. Repeat twice a day.

Notes: You can use cool black tea bags as an alternative. Just hold the cool bags in your hands for five minutes every day.

How to prevent Sweaty Hands and Feet?

If you have problems with sweaty hands and feet, you can make some changes to your lifestyle to control your condition. For example:

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  • Wash your hands regularly to keep them clean.
  • Remember to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated.
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy food, sugar, and other sweat-inducing food.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins.
  • Find a way to manage your stress and anxiety. You can try yoga and meditation. 
  • Get cotton socks for proper ventilation.
  • Avoid synthetic fabrics because it traps moisture.
  • Look for shoes made of breathable fabric.

Excessive sweating is not a medical emergency, but it’s an embarrassing condition that can affect the quality of your social life. Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer in silence. Instead, you can try any of these home remedies for sweaty hands and feet to improve your self-esteem.

What do you think about these 9 home remedies for sweaty hands and feet? Have you ever tried them? Tell us your opinion in the comment section.

(Last Updated On: June 7, 2022)

A Doctor of Public Health, Lacy Ryan has accrued more than ten years of experience, making a name for herself as a researcher, writer, policy analyst, and project manager specializing in public health and international development.She earned her PhD in Community and Behavioural Health at the Colorado School of Public Health, her Master’s Degree in Global Health and Public Policy at the University of Edinburgh, and her Bachelor’s Degree with Honours in Biomedical Sciences (with minours in Biology and Psychology) at the University of Waterloo.