If you’re interested in home remedies and natural ways to cure common illnesses, you probably have come across turmeric.

Turmeric, a spice common in the Asian cuisine, has fascinated mankind with its unique taste and tempting aroma for centuries. People have been using it as a medicine, kitchen ingredient, and cosmetic product. It has part even in some religious rituals.

But are wondering what if the hype around turmeric is the real deal? Is turmeric a super food which you should include in your diet?

Well, today I’m going to present to you 10 health benefits of turmeric.

Keep on reading.


As a spice and medicine, turmeric has its special place in Asian culture and people’s beliefs. And all these people are not wrong when they say that turmeric is special.

It contains more than 100 chemical compounds that might prove helpful for treating some diseases. Not to mention all the vitamins, minerals, natural oils, and amino acid found in this kitchen spice.

So, let’s see why you should consider adding turmeric to your diet.

#1 Say goodbye to depression

One of the main compounds in turmeric is curcumin. It’s a powerful anti-oxidant, which means that it destroys those free radicals that cause chronic inflammation. But what inflammation has to do with depression?

Well, studies suggest that a possible link between depression and inflammation exists. It’s not clear if depression causes chronic inflammation or vice versa, but since curcumin fights inflammation, it can relieve the symptoms of depression.

A 2017 research backs up turmeric efficacy and states that it can be used to treat major depressive disorder on its own or in combination with saffron.

#2 Better blood sugar control

Are you worried about your blood sugar levels? Then turmeric might be the answer to your problems thanks to curcumin again. Studies suggest that regular consumptions of turmeric might reduce your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

In fact, researchers conclude that curcumin favorably affects the blood sugar levels by improving insulin resistance and that it might be useful for treating complications from long-term diabetes.

The scientists admit that more human trials are in order, but the results up to now look promising. What’s more, turmeric is safe to use as long as you don’t take more than the recommended dose.

#3 Fight off inflammations and viruses

turmeric and ginger

Curcumin is not only a potent anti-oxidant agent, but it also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. As such, it’s an excellent choice when you need extra help getting over the flu or the common cold. You might also start taking it if you want to give your immune system a boost.

However, scientists point out that our bodies have difficulties absorbing curcumin in turmeric, so don’t expect miracles. What’s more, curcumin content in turmeric is around 2-8 %, so if you’re looking to beat that cold, you might go for curcumin supplements instead.

#4 Forget about PMS

Premenstrual syndrome affects three in every four women and comes with bloating, cramps, depression, and irritability. I don’t need to tell you how awful you sometimes feel around “special” days.

So, turmeric might be the answer to your prayer. A study found out that women who take turmeric supplements have reduced PMS symptoms. Some tests in labs also suggest that turmeric might provide relieve from menstrual cramps.

Next time you start to feel the familiar pains returning, you might give turmeric a shot and see if it works for you.

#5 Manage arthritis discomfort

Arthritis is a form of chronic inflammation of the joints, so turmeric with its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties might be useful for dealing with this condition. It can help the body fight the inflammation and the swelling.

Some studies even suggest that turmeric might have analgesic properties similar to ibuprofen so that it can help you manage the pain and discomfort. However, some test results show that it proves to be more effective if taken before the symptoms appear.

#6 Kill cancer cells

turmeric powder

Photo Credit: giskaa.com

Animal tests show that curcumin inhibits the growth of cancer cells and kills them. It showed to be very effective against breast, colon, and skin cancer.

In addition to this, some studies suggest that taking curcumin supplements might reduce cancer risks. They point out that cultures which include turmeric and curcumin in their diet have lower cancer rates.

Human trails are still inconclusive, but curcumin might take the scientists one step closer to finding a cure.

#7 Keep your heart healthy

Researchers experimenting with mice observed that curcumin might be effective in preventing fatty build-ups in the arteries. As such, turmeric could be beneficial for your heart and prevent your arteries from clogging.

It also has a positive effect on your cholesterol levels by keeping the “bad” cholesterol levels in check. This is the cholesterol that you have to worry about if you have heart problems.

In addition to this, some studies suggest that turmeric might relax the blood vessels and as a result, it could prevent blood clots.

#8 Shine with radiant skin

You already know that turmeric is a great source of anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agents. So, it’s logical that turmeric has its place in many home remedies for healthy, glowing skin.

In addition to this, turmeric promotes wound healing and helps reduce acne and acne scarring. Moreover, the National Psoriasis Foundation states that turmeric can help you control flare-ups and alleviate the symptoms.

#9 Don’t worry about indigestion

Turmeric is an excellent choice for digestion problems not only because of its anti-inflammatory effect but because it stimulates the gallbladder to produce bile. Your body needs that bile to break down food and digest it.

Moreover, it can be quite beneficial if you’re suffering for bloating and gas. Not to mention that it might relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

#10 It could help people with Alzheimer’s disease

A lot of research has been focused on finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and turmeric might turn out to be part of the solution. In lab tests, curcumin prevents and breaks down amyloid-beta plaques, which are associated with the disease.

In addition to this, another component turmerone stimulates the regenerations of brain stem cells. So, in theory, it might be possible to reverse the damage done by neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s.

However, clinical trials are still at an early stage, so we can’t say with certainty how effective turmeric could be for Alzheimer’s.

As a whole, turmeric is a healthy spice that can help you keep inflammation away and reduce the damage done by stress. What’s more, it’s a safe spice with no undesirable side-effects and you’ll fall in love with its taste once you start using it.

However, you should know that curcumin is better absorbed in combination with black pepper. So, you might want to add black pepper to your diet as well to enjoy the full health benefits of the spice.

What do you think about these 10 health benefits of turmeric? Have you ever tried cooking with turmeric and what is your experience with it? Share in the comments.

(Last Updated On: August 25, 2022)

Annalise O'Conner is a Registered Dietitian and Personalized Nutritionist. She is a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching nutrition in the School of Public Health and APAN (Asian Pacific Islander American Network) Email: [email protected]

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