Once, the pineapple was an exotic, unknown fruit. Now, you can find this delicious fruit in almost every supermarket.

But I bet that you don’t know that pineapples are among the healthiest fruits on the planet.


It’s simple. They are a vital source of important vitamins, enzymes, and minerals. That’s why they are an excellent anti-inflammatory remedy, among other things.

But how to include them in your diet?

You can have them raw, baked or cooked. Or you can make yourself a glass of fresh pineapple juice.

Sounds tasty, doesn’t it?

It turns out that drinking pineapple juice has numerous health benefits. Are your curious what they are?

Here, I’ve made up a short list of the most awesome reasons to include pineapple juice in your diet. Cheers!

benefits of pineapple juice

#1 Pineapple juice prevents cancer

I know that it sounds unbelievable. But researchers link pineapple with a lower risk of developing mouth, throat and breast cancer. Let’s see why pineapple is such a potent cancer killer.

There is one important enzyme in pineapple called bromelain. You probably haven’t heard about it. But bromelain is a natural anti-cancer agent. It can help you fight cancer, prevent cancer or even deal with radiation effects.

Let’s see why bromelain is so special.

Bromelain is an enzyme that digests proteins. It also has “selective cytotoxicity”. What’s that, you wonder?

Radiation and chemotherapy are one of the primary ways for fighting cancer. We all know that they have horrible side effects. That’s because they destroy healthy cells as well as cancerous one.

Selective cytotoxicity means that a compound shrinks or destroys only cancerous cells. It doesn’t affect healthy ones. Such compounds are common in nature. Unfortunately, scientists find it hard to duplicate their effect.

You see why bromelain is such an extraordinary enzyme, don’t you?

Drink a glass of pineapple before breakfast. In this way, the enzyme would boost your immune system and help you fight illness.

#2 Drinking pineapple juice improves your vision

We know that carrots are good for our eyes. But did you know that the same goes for pineapples? I’m sure that you had no idea.

Pineapples contain beta carotene, just like carrots. Your body turns the beta carotenes into vitamin A. Why is vitamin A so important for healthy eyes and good vision? It protects the surface of the eye (the cornea) against bacteria and viruses.

Pineapple juice also is rich in vitamin C, a known antioxidant that is crucial for protecting your eyes. It helps maintain healthy tissues, and it takes care of the delicate blood vessels in your retina.

Researchers have proven that high consumption of vitamin C could prevent cataract. A cataract is clouding of the lens, and it leads to blindness. You don’t want that.

Some studies also that a daily cup of pineapple juice could delay the onset of age-related macular degeneration. Wait, what?

The macula is the small central area in our retina. But it has an important role. We need it to read magazines, watch TV, drive a car, etc. Basically for everything that requires us to see the fine details.

The daily recommended dose of vitamin C is 90 milligrams for men and 75 mg for women. An 8-ounce cup of pineapple juice has 25 mg of vitamin C.

Now’s the time to say “Wow!”

So, if you want to avoid eye problems as you grow old – start drinking pineapple juice.

#3 Pineapple juice helps you lose weight

It’s so hard to lose weight! You pay attention to the calories you eat, but nothing happens. Why? You also should also watch out for saturated fats and sugar.

When you eat foods high in fats, what you don’t burn is stored. Also, some fats stick to your organs. That’s very bad. As for sugar – the more you eat, the hungrier you get.

Let’s see what a 100ml of unsweetened pineapple contains:

  • 53 calories
  • 0 fats
  • 0 cholesterol
  • 2mg sodium
  • 13 gm carbohydrates
  • 0 fiber
  • 10 gm sugar
  • 0 protein

As you can see, there are no unhealthy fats. And the amount of sugar and carbohydrates is low. This makes it an excellent choice for a drink. But be sure that you get a pineapple juice without any added sugar.

You can also try eating fresh pineapple. It’s just as helpful for weight loss as the juice.

Now is the time someone to ask: How many calories in fresh pineapple? The answer is 50, but a 100 g of fresh pineapple also contains one gram fiber. Fiber is good because it slows digestion. This means that you won’t get hungry often.

So, if you are struggling with your weight – make an effort to include fresh pineapple or pineapple juice in your meals.

#4 Pineapple increases your chance of getting pregnant

Yes, that’s right. Drinking juice or eating pineapple might increase your chance of conception. As we already know, pineapple juice is rich in vitamins and mineral. But it also contains copper, zinc and folate. These are related to increased fertility in men and women.

Studies also suggest that pineapple juice increases sperm quality and mobility.

Researchers link our friend bromelain with positive effects on fertility. It can prevent implantation issues due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Some doctors prescribe aspirin to help with implantation. Bromelain has the same blood-thinning effect as aspirin.

But be careful. If you consume too much bromelain at the wrong time, it can decrease your chances of conception. So, stay clear of pineapples before ovulation.

You may also have heard that you should avoid pineapple juice while pregnant. Well, bromelain may weaken the cervix and cause uterine contraction. Some also warn that pineapple may induce early labor or cause a miscarriage. That’s due to the blood thinning properties of bromelain.

But drinking pineapple juice while pregnant has its advantages. In fact, it can help you with your morning sickness. It reduces nausea and vomiting due to its high vitamin content. Bromelain is mainly concentrated in the core. So, it’s unlikely that the juice will have any negative effects on your baby.

If you are not planning on getting pregnant, pineapple juice has other useful application. It’s also useful during menstruation. It can relieve your cramps due to its anti-pain properties.

The bottom line is: you have to be very careful with your pineapple intake. Consult your doctor or nutritionist, if you have any worries.

#5 Pineapple strengthens your bones

Wait, how can pineapple be good for bones? It’s not very rich in calcium, is it?

You may find it strange, but calcium is not the only thing necessary for bone growth and development. It turns out we need something else. And it’s called manganese.

Researchers have found out that bodies need a small amount of manganese every day. They link low manganese consumption with a poor bone formation in animals.

Manganese can increase the mineral density of the bones. This means that it helps us maintain strong and healthy bones. That’s why some studies state that manganese supplements may prevent spinal bone loss.

It also could be extremely beneficial for postmenopausal women.

Let me explain it.

Some women start to suffer from manganese deficiency after menopause. So taking extra manganese is useful for preventing fractures.

Manganese is also a potent anti-inflammatory. It scavenges the free radical that can damage your cells.

So you have tons of reason to include manganese in your diet. But why choose pineapple juice as a source of manganese?

Well, a glass of pineapple juice contains 73 percent of the daily required manganese. Fantastic, right?

There’s more. Pineapple juice also contains a lot of vitamin C. We all know that vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. But you probably don’t know that it plays a big role in creating collagen.

But why do we need collagen?

Collagen is the protein base of our skin, bones, organs and blood vessel walls. The high concentration of vitamin C helps us heal faster. Moreover, it protects us from infections and illness.

Pineapple juice also keeps acne, wrinkles, and pimples away.

#6 Say goodbye to coughing

You see bromelain is not also an excellent cancer-fighting agent. It’s also effective against common illness. Like coughing or cold, for example.

Bromelain reduces the phlegm and mucus that can build up in your respiratory track or sinuses. Since it also has anti-inflammatory effects, it can protect you against infections and viruses.

But if you are already coughing, don’t worry. Bromelain can loosen the build-up mucus and help you cough it out. It can also calm your sore throat.

Some even claim that squeezed pineapple juice is more effective than cough syrup. But there is not many scientific data behind this claim.

Here is a popular pineapple cough remedy that you can try. It certainly won’t do it any harm.

In some animal tests, bromelain has also helped against asthma attacks. It reduces the total white blood cell count, which usually rises when you have asthma. But human trials are still inconclusive.

#7 A glass of pineapple juice – no stomach problems

From time to time, everyone suffers from stomach issues like constipation or bloating. These can be embarrassing and painful. But the cure is simple – a glass of pineapple juice.

If you remember, we said that bromelain aids for digesting proteins. In fact, it helps your body deal with hard to digest protein.

If you drink pineapple juice, the bromelain will have a soothing effect on your stomach. That means easier digestion, less discomfort, and low chances for boating.

Pineapple juice is also full of fiber. One cup has 0.5 gm of fiber, and you need around 25-30 g a day for optimal health.

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Moreover, if your diet is rich in fiber, you’re less likely to suffer from constipation. Why?

Fiber adds bulk and water to the stools, which prevents them from hardening. This guarantees you won’t have to spend uncomfortable hours in the bathroom.

But if you drink too much pineapple juice, you might get the opposite effect - diarrhea and heartburn.

Also, pineapple juice acts as a natural diuretic. It increases urinal production which leads to reduced water retention. This will help you flush out toxic which have formed in the kidneys and the liver.

#8 To have a healthy heart, drink pineapple juice

Nowadays, heart disease is a common occurrence in our society. It’s also a leading cause of death worldwide.

Scary, right?

No one wants to have a weak heart. So, what do we do to protect your heart?

Start drinking pineapple juice. It might sound silly, but pineapple really can have a positive effect on your heart. The reason why is simple. Pineapple juice contains vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. And bromelain, of course.

Vitamin C prevents the oxidation of cholesterol. In other words, cholesterol can’t turn into an artery-clogging plaque. Studies support the theory that higher doses of vitamin C lower the risk of coronary disease.

A diet rich in sodium and deficient in potassium leads to high blood pressure.

Potassium helps you balance the amount of water in your body. Also, it is good for your blood pressure. And pineapple is among the fruits with lowest sodium content.

A cup of pineapple juice has about 1 mg sodium and 195 mg potassium. That’s why some studies suggest that people with hypertension should drink pineapple juice.

Bromelain has a blood-thinning effect. Moreover, it improves circulation and reduces clotting. Thanks to it, you have a lower chance of developing a blood clot. It also lowers the risk of a heart attack and strokes.

The bottom line is: If you are worried about your heart, don’t hesitate to drink a cup of pineapple juice.

I told you that pineapple is one of the healthiest foods, didn’t I? I’m sure that now you’re starting to believe me. I hope that I have convinced you to give pineapple juice a chance. But remember: a healthy and balanced diet is the best remedy for all diseases.

So, what do you think? Have you experienced any of these remarkable health benefits? Tell us your story in the comments. We would love to hear from you. And don’t forget – like and share the article.

Hope to see you soon!

(Last Updated On: March 11, 2021)

Annalise O'Conner is a Registered Dietitian and Personalized Nutritionist. She is a lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, teaching nutrition in the School of Public Health and APAN (Asian Pacific Islander American Network) Email: [email protected]

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Robert Walker

    Thanks for sharing this information about health benefits.

  2. Scott Coolbeth

    I have been drinking pineapple juice for a few weeks (3) and have noticed a lot of the benefits you mentioned.

    I have been drinking about a quart a day and am wondering if that’s to much?

    Thank you!

    1. Melissa J. Torres

      You shouldn’t drink more than 2 cups of juice (16 ounces of juice) a day.

  3. Sally

    Thank I also was wondering how much to drink. I usually drink about 1-2 cups for breakfast and later Kashi cereal w/out milk for a snack. Also to readers if you have a Trader Joe’s near you they have amazing pure pineapple juice.

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